If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition...


Well-Known Member
In natural animal terms for an entity that must reproduce tosustain it’s species, yes.
If we were all of that ilk we would go extinct.

Oh I see your argument only works if everybody is gay...

reality disagrees with you, not everyone is gay and guess what there is 7 billion people on this planet and rising

Greatest I am

Active Member
Oh I see your argument only works if everybody is gay...

reality disagrees with you, not everyone is gay and guess what there is 7 billion people on this planet and rising
Seems you missed this above.

Any and all arguments should have their logic reinforced by takingthe premise to infinity.



Well-Known Member
Don't think I missed much at all. All I see is you arguing with every PERSON who posts. That's cool though your making friends real quick keep it up.



joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Seems you missed this above.
seems you are ignoring my post:sad:

Any and all arguments should have their logic reinforced by takingthe premise to infinity.
well I know it is important to us that we strive to meet your criteria as stated above^^

Q: who comes into a growing website and seeks the s&s forum and makes their first twenty posts in a thread on homosexuality?

A: a troll, that's who.

oh shit! EDIT:




Well-Known Member
seems you are ignoring my post:sad:

well I know it is important to us that we strive to meet your criteria as stated above^^

Q: who comes into a growing website and seeks the s&s forum and makes their first twenty posts in a thread on homosexuality?

A: a troll, that's who.
Well put sir! You must spread some reputation before giving it to joe again!


Well-Known Member
B.S. seems to be all you are good for in this issue.


Note how they speak of genes and genetics, brain structureand chemical influences.

These are all DNA related. What in hell do you think makesup genes if not DNA?

Notice the logic trail?
Let’s see yours for whatever you attribute gayness to.

From your link, "A simple and singular determinant for sexual orientation has not been conclusively demonstrated". If you can't comprehend your own link, why would I believe anything I could say would get through?

The skills needed to put forth a logical argument are the same one needed to recognize a logical argument.



“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”


Well-Known Member

Yes as they are selected not to reproduce. Something that all who wish to pass on their genetics do. IOW, all living creatures.

Strange that you would blame chemistry and defects in genetics, which is the same as a DNA defect, more or less, yet do not accept that it is a DNA defect

I assign no blame to genetics or DNA for homosexuality in the human race,YOU do.You assert your own opinion in the answer.I merely asked a few pertainent questions with one assertion that I view as a possibility to later Homosexual tendency's in ones life.You never mentioned how it could be a true defect of DNA nor mentioned any sources of information that correlates your assertions.



Well-Known Member
To think that placing non-reproduction in a system that requires reproduction to sustain itself is the best of all out comes for that' species is quite foolish. It would go extinct if widespread. DNA works by switches being turned on or off. To turn off the reproduction switch is definitely not the best possible end.

Damned if it isn't straight parents having all these gay babies....


Ursus marijanus
Thanks for the laugh.

I did not know that gays bonded better than heterosexuals.

So to you, not having the desire to reproduce in it’s members,something that would cause the species to go extinct, is a benefit to survival.

Let us see your argument for your view please.

To what possible effect?

Look what you did. You replaced my argument with a completely different one wearing a clown suit. Then you went ahead as though the two were the same.

When you are willing to be honest, i am willing to engage. But under these conditions, where you are waiting to fit all comers with clown suits, forget it.


Well-Known Member
I prefer blowjobs from, and anal sex with, women. When I participate in any sex (except BJs) I wear condoms. None of these acts lead to reproduction. Therefor, do I possess defective genes?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the laugh.

I did not know that gays bonded better than heterosexuals.

So to you, not having the desire to reproduce in it’s members,something that would cause the species to go extinct, is a benefit to survival.

Let us see your argument for your view please.

Homosexuality is finding the same sex attractive. It doesn't mean you don't want to have kids. The only way your argument works is if being gay killed all desire to be a parent, which it demonstrably doesn't. Hence, all the gay parents raising their own children.

Greatest I am

Active Member
I assign no blame to genetics or DNA for homosexuality in the human race,YOU do.You assert your own opinion in the answer.I merely asked a few pertainent questions with one assertion that I view as a possibility to later Homosexual tendency's in ones life.You never mentioned how it could be a true defect of DNA nor mentioned any sources of information that correlates your assertions.

Does healthynon-defective human DNA produce people who will faithfully reproduce as allanimal life does, given the opportunity, with their non-defective DNA?

Yes it does.

Therefor defective DNA will produce humans who will not orcannot.

If DNA does not control if one is gay or not then whatdoes?


Greatest I am

Active Member
Homosexuality is finding the same sex attractive. It doesn't mean you don't want to have kids. The only way your argument works is if being gay killed all desire to be a parent, which it demonstrably doesn't. Hence, all the gay parents raising their own children.

Gay parents raise their own children!
How do they reproduce with their own gender?



joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Just curious, what evidence do you have to qualify your claim of homosexuals having defective dna?

or is this just an opinion of yours?


Well-Known Member
Gay parents raise their own children!
How do they reproduce with their own gender?

They don't. If it's two gay men that want to be parents, they choose one or both, of their sperm and a donor egg and raise the child/children. If it's two women, they take donor sperm and one of them mothers the child, then they both raise the child/children.

Again, being attracted to the same sex doesn't stifle your desire to be a parent, it just changes who you raise your child with. Gay people even have straight sex just to have babies, MY GOODNESS, the nerve, right? :roll:

Greatest I am

Active Member
Just curious, what evidence do you have to qualify your claim of homosexuals having defective dna?

or is this just an opinion of yours?

The lack of another option and reason.

You will note that no one has offered any other remotelyviable source for gayness.

Some have offered that it is natural but nature will notproduce non-reproducing genetics in a species that sustains itself with reproducingDNA if it can help it.

I understand why people do not like the idea of labellinggayness as a defect in DNA but they have no other cause to point to.


Greatest I am

Active Member
They don't. If it's two gay men that want to be parents, they choose one or both, of their sperm and a donor egg and raise the child/children. If it's two women, they take donor sperm and one of them mothers the child, then they both raise the child/children.

Again, being attracted to the same sex doesn't stifle your desire to be a parent, it just changes who you raise your child with. Gay people even have straight sex just to have babies, MY GOODNESS, the nerve, right? :roll:

You make half my point and kill half of yours.

Only half, unless both parties find a surrogate, willreproduce and it is not a reproduction based on love.

Let us hope that we never find non-human surrogates.

