If you want your mind rocked, got to 2:00 min into this video


Well-Known Member
A government that has the power to forbid abortions has the power to make them mandatory.

You're really panicking aren't you? They'll be other elections chief, calm down.

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya i was surprised to im not against abortion if its way in the begining of pregnancy but fuck man!!! this is some evil shit!!!

why would it be necessary to do that for the mothers health if they are going to birth the whole baby except for the head anyway????

how can obama support that what is the logic?

also i hazard to say if someone took a sword and did that to you it would be such a horrible death and the baby has all its feeling then too!!!

man u for a little baby i cant imagine how the fuck a human being can do that to a tiny baby

how do these docs get thier degree?

Big P

Well-Known Member
A government that has the power to forbid abortions has the power to make them mandatory.


so by your theory a government that has the power to forbid killing has the power to make mandetory for everyone?

anyway im not saying forbid abortions but I dont even believe in god and i know enough to know that birthing a full term alive and kicking child and then stabbing him in the head with a pair of scissor is wrong


Well-Known Member
It's not a theory. If you give the government the power over abortion they will abuse it. For better or worse, that power, the choice, lies firmly in the hands of the people. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one.


Well-Known Member
Dam P your freaking out man................everybody cheer with me FEAR FEAR FEAR! ................aint working this time eh? lol


Well-Known Member
Dam P your freaking out man................everybody cheer with me FEAR FEAR FEAR! ................aint working this time eh? lol
P's the epitome of a conservative. I seriously can't tell if he's being serious.. Poe's law.

Better watch out lol.. the big, black, Muslim, terrorist, foreigner, socialist, is coming to get your fetuses.. and look! He's not wearing a lapel pin!

Big P

Well-Known Member
just discussing politics in the politics section fellas

nothing to be alarmed aboutbongsmilie

the very sad thing about your slippery slope theory about abortion AlphaNoN

is that its the same excuse they use to keep marijuana illigal and you know its a bullshit excuse.


we can atleast ban parcial birth abortion, dont be coy

I already stated that im a pro abortion person but god damn is there a limit my friend?



New Member
Big P, don't you think selling this theory to a bunch of pre-teen girls was a little over the top. If they did this to my grandaughters I'd be fucking Irate. Those girls were 11-13 years old for christs sake, that's the evil shit my friend.


Well-Known Member
wow that was fucin nasty man, wow, seriously im in shock man, wtf was that shit, damn im trippin hard

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P, don't you think selling this theory to a bunch of pre-teen girls was a little over the top. If they did this to my grandaughters I'd be fucking Irate. Those girls were 11-13 years old for christs sake, that's the evil shit my friend.

ya for real little gurls dont need to see that im just trying to show the proceedure i never knew about it before

it made me sick

its a lot diff i think if you ever had kids and seein that shit:spew:


Well-Known Member
just discussing politics in the politics section fellas

nothing to be alarmed aboutbongsmilie

the very sad thing about your slippery slope theory about abortion AlphaNoN

is that its the same excuse they use to keep marijuana illigal and you know its a bullshit excuse.


we can atleast ban parcial birth abortion, dont be coy

I already stated that im a pro abortion person but god damn is there a limit my friend?
The illegality of marijuana is all about taking the choice out of our hands. Principally by people who stand to profit from its illegality.

As far as my opinion on legal standings go, marijuana should be legal and regulated, and abortions should be as well.

And I won't be coy, I'll be brutally honest. I don't "support" abortions at any stage, I support the right to decide what one does with their own body. I don't believe that infants old enough to live independently from their mothers should be discarded, but mothers shouldn't be forced to give up their lives to save an unborn child's. I suppose the reasonable thing to do in cases of late term abortions would be to deliver the premature child and hope it lives, if it does, well.. foster care is better than nothing. Eventually technology will reach a point where premature babies, maybe even fetuses, can finish developing in artificial wombs, hopefully this would become a viable alternative to abortion and it will simply fade away as a part of our more primitive past.

But in the end, it's really none of my concern. As a fully formed adult, I can't possibly be aborted. As a man I will never be faced with such a choice. I can only say that if I were in the position that some mothers are, I would like to be able to decide my fate.


Well-Known Member
"On an issue like partial birth abortion, I strongly believe that the state can properly restrict late-term abortions. I have said so repeatedly. All I've said is we should have a provision to protect the health of the mother, and many of the bills that came before me didn't have that.

"Part of the reason they didn't have it was purposeful, because those who are opposed to abortion have a moral calling to try to oppose what they think is immoral. Oftentimes what they were trying to do was to polarize the debate and make it more difficult for people, so that they could try to bring an end to abortions overall.

"As president, my goal is to bring people together, to listen to them, and I don't think that's any Republican out there who I've worked with who would say that I don't listen to them, I don't respect their ideas, I don't understand their perspective. And my goal is to get us out of this polarizing debate where we're always trying to score cheap political points and actually get things done."

~Barack Obama, Fox News Sunday: 2008 presidential race interview Apr 27, 2008.

Read more about Obama's position on abortion
