illadelph to the uk?


Well-Known Member
Soo i have a couple of roors nows, but i really want one of those freezable coil illadelphs!

However i live in the uk! From what ive seen no websites sell them :cuss:

Do they only sell through shops?

I tried to phone thier main shop but didnt get an answer!

Can anyone shed some light on this? Anyway i could get one shipped over here? I reallllllyyyyy want one!bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
they dont hit nearly as hard as the straight pipe roors but if your used to the beaker bottom roors it'll hit similar


Well-Known Member
luka and all the blowers at illadelph are artists, they sell through shops, but im sure they would do a custom order, most artists will. not sure about the shipping to the uk, depends on the blower. glass blowers are workaholics, they are always preocupied. just keep trying to call them and if possable leave messages, they dont like to waste time when the person isnt serious about the piece, persistence shows that you will stick with it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude! Ill keep trying to phone them 2moz! Yehh they have to ship to the uk, hopfully if i explain my situation and be nice they will do me a deal :)