Illegal grow op, 500 plants busted- damage to the house


Well-Known Member
From a single grow op (even though it was a massive 500 plant grow) caused over $100,000 in damages to the house as a bi-product for growing the marijuana. The damages are from: illegal unsafe wiring, stealing power, mold, asbestos, wood rot, drywall, insulation, holes in walls to fit electrical, HVAC etc. Most of the damages are from the moisture involved with growing weed as 1 plant gives off .5-1L of water a day into the atmosphere. Its an interesting watch. For those of you that have a big room for a grow, I would strongly advise to use vapour barrier, vent outside (NOT INTO ATTIC) and know the consequences a grow can have regardless if its legal or not."Holmes+On+Homes+-+605+-+Gone+to+Pot.avi"+915099812

link to the torrent download.
