Im a new grower i grow two at a time i need help


Well-Known Member
Gday all, I have two 250w setups new to game never grew sativa before im waiting on a order of Kali mist 80% sativa. Can you grow sativa with a 250w if so is there anything i need to know good, bad, warnings, or things to look out for. Are there any 250w sativa growers out there that can offer advise?

How tall does this plant get I was thinking of flower as soon as sex show is this a good idea.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Of course you can grow a sativa with a 250 hps! have a look at boneman's kali mist grow look real sweet!

Brick Top

New Member
You can top them multiple times and make them shorter and thicker by doing so or you can go with 12/12 right from seed instead of vegging to keep them shorter or you can put both plants under one 250-watt light and hang the other lower down the plants shining from the side instead of from the top to get more light to the lower portion of the plants as they grow tall. There are various growing methods that can be used to keep them low too so there is more than one way to skin a cat. If you do not believe that just ask anyone who has ever worked at a Chinese restaurant.


Active Member
your lights should be plenty,i agree with above post about arranging your lights,if you can get light penetration into the lower growth you will greatly increace your yeild.

Low stress training may be a good option for you,especially if height restrictions are an issue,i have had fantastic results with this method and there is no recovery time as you do not damage the plant,this method works great with screen of green(SCROG) check out this link


Active Member
your lights should be plenty,i agree with above post about arranging your lights,if you can get light penetration into the lower growth you will greatly increace your yeild.

Low stress training may be a good option for you,especially if height restrictions are an issue,i have had fantastic results with this method and there is no recovery time as you do not damage the plant,this method works great with screen of green(SCROG) check out this link

Sorry that link didnt seem to work correctly just copy and paste the whole thing onto your browser:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys there is so much to learn this is the place to do it there are so many helpful knowledgeable people and a few creeps thank you all very much, grow in peace.