I'm a soil grower and now I wanna try hydro


Active Member
Hey everyone I need some suggestions on a hydro system.. something thats for beginners. I want to experiment with two plants so I dont need anything big. Thanks in advance for your help:wall:


Well-Known Member
i went the ebb and flow route...

love my system.. sort of a big investment if you dont have the need for it... (i have a 2500w veg room and working on building a 4000w flower room)

heres a link to it anyways http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=EGM200&AC=1

i just liked how its a 12 site system, expandable to 48 if i want... it came with everything i need... i could set things up where and how i wanted... and the 2 bucket system (1 "solid" bucket and 1 drain bucket per site) allows me to easily move the plants around to different sites if i need to for whatever reason..

heres a couple pics of my veg room and my girls anyways.. there are more in my journal (link below).. ill also be flipping to flower next week if you are interested in watching through flowering...



Well-Known Member
I would start with a n.f.t system this is a simple but very effective way of growing plants.The way that it works os that a fish pump is constantly pushing water all the time over the top of a tray then it runs back down to a resivour to be pumped back around the system again.I still have the one that i cut my teeth on some years ago and use it to bring young plants[clones] on after the 2nd week works great.This system can produce massive yeilds and everyone should have a change from time to time.Once you have seen a n.f.t system work you could build one yourself for under 30 pound easy.My advice would be go on you tube and look at the differant hydr systems most are easy to constuct your self.If you live in the uk go to www.growell.com these have great deals on hydro systems so does www.kitbagshop.com

Illegal Smile

You might end up in many places but the place to begin is a simple DWC with lots of bubbles and no foolish pumps or feeder tubes.


Well-Known Member
Yep like Illegal Smile says, go with DWC (Deep Water Culture) I have been using this technique for about 3 years now & get great results everytime, it's simple & effective.. Don't try & make things complcated coz you will end up with complicated probs if anything should go wrong..

This is how I start mine (from seed) in a 5L bucket during the veg period:

Note the lid is bigger than the bucket.. I simply transfer the plant with lid into a 10L bucket when it's time to flower


Elite Rolling Society
Roseman's Closet-Grow Tutorial - Marijuana Growing

DIY Bubbleponics DWC

ten days

12 days

15 days

17 days

20 days

Those first 3 weeks is when the feeding tubes and irrigation hub really make a difference.

I started soaking the seeds Sunday afternoon, 8-23-09 around 4:00 pm.
I wanted to soak them 24 hours, but I soaked them about 28 to 30 hours.

I placed them in the cubes around 8:15 to 8:30, Monday night, 8-24-09.
Tuesday night, 8-25-09 around 9:00 pm, I found this sprout already.
I went in to the closet to make sure each and every cube was soaking wet. That lets me know my water pump, tubes and hub are working good. What a surprise!
Try this same experiment in a plain DWC, or Aeroponic System, or whatever, and see how that sprout does.

This is what the feeder tubes and irrigation hub and bubbles are all about, SPEED!
A VERY RAPID Start. A Very Rapid GROW!
