im beginner, help me to learn alittle bit more.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I have a veg room and a flower room. The lights in my veg room are on 24/7. I havent turned them off for 3 months and that was because we had a cable guy in the room LOL
I promise it wont kill them.

I leave my plants in the veg room(on a 24 hour light cycle) for 4-6 weeks then I put them in my flowering room (12 hour light cycle).
You should post up a picture of your lady. Gives us all something to look at lol

Picture 1=veggy room(flouros, cfls, T5s)
picture 2=flowering room(400w hps, cfls around the base)


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Thanks man
except for the spidermites I just found in my veg room... First time I have seen them. I am a garden gazer so I caught it really early but its still gunna suck. Oh well


Active Member
mann... i got a problem.. i think my land lady has went in my room and saw my grow because she told me the other day.. the reason why its so hot in there because i got a light on the floor..... i said huh?... oh ok .... but anyway... the light is in the closet so... she dont want to make me upset because i will stop paying her rent... and leave.... anyway im going to do that because the other day she complained about my aircondition running 14 hours...... anyway my plant has nowhere to go... I dont want to kill it... Im thinking of giving it to my homeboy so he can have it and grow it. Im plannin on moving out of this shithole next month after i pay my rent for the last time. Do you think this is the best decision?.... ide rather give it to someone I know will take good care of it. give me feedback

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Damn sorry to hear about that..
You gotta do what you gotta do bro
If you absolutely have to get rid of it then for sure give it to a friend so you can at least smoke some of that shit when its done. lol


Active Member
but im not sure if she went inside my room... she isnt supposed to without my permission but these fucking cubans over here.. will rent without a contract and they feel like its their house... it pisses me off... if i find out im going to get fucking mad and move out and not pay her for the last months rent >.<... and if her bullshit nephew that lives next door to me trys to do something then imma straight knock his block off and leave him laying on the ground.


Active Member
i use a 400 hps, in a closet, and it does get hot as hell, so i have a fan in my window, sucking the air 2 the outside, a fan in the room blowing across, and one in the closet going back and forth, if u wanna see what i got check out my picks., i thought i did ok, w/ the 400. but like they said above, more watts = bigger nugz, but i didnt have 2 fight the heat that much, just a few times, i turned the fan in my room and pointed it 2 the closet.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
florescent lights will work but they are not the best, the difference between a 400 and a 600 is that the 600 gives off way more light, but the 400 will do great in a 3x3, the only reason i think to use floros over a hps is if you have limited height to grow in but if its a closet then im guessing height is not a problem

fat sam

Well-Known Member
the most important thing for a grow is security....sounds like giving the plant to a bro is the best bet


growing in a closet i would suggest a 90 watt ufo led light , The 90 watt led light will produce up to 600 watts of lumes light and no heat ,comes with cooling fan built in.

cost about $750 per light at a hydroponic store ,but can order online for $350.

Hps lights last about 6 months LED light will last for 50,000 hours or about 10 years.


Active Member

I have a 3x3 space in my closet for my grow. I have the soil, the pot, the seeds. Now I just need a light that will make it grow. What do you recommend for me to use? I need something that puts out low heat so im guessing fluorescent lights cuz I read up alot on the lights. Someone said that 1 plant requires 15000 lumens and the light should be like 600 watts ?, but I dont know so help me. If you know any websites that I could buy a light perfect for the space I have then please tell me.

Its like an airtight closet so im guessing i wud have to leave the closet door open cuz of the poor ventalation huh?

Thanks :bigjoint::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:leaf::weed::joint: ok...:rolleyes:
Ok Im not gonna write a novel like sum of these dudes. I mean your question was lighting for a 3f by 3ft space. My advice is go to walmart and buy thier 2ft grow light they sell for about 10 bucks. Buy 3 or 4 and tape together. That will be all you need . You cant use a 400w hps or mh light in that amount of space it will fry your plants. You might get away with a 250 with proper ventalation. Geez you guys get sum sense lolololol. Well unless u got a hood equiped with a fan but still you need about a foot to foot and 1/2 space between a 400w hps light or you will get soggy or burnt leaves .. And you gotta have space between the ceiling and your bulb for fire hazards. So what are ya gonna do ?? you wanna start budding at 4 inches ??? LMAO !!You can bud with flourescents but your buds will be lighter and fluffier than hid lights but if you got 3ft by 3ft thats about all you can do. The main thing is choosing a good color spectrum for your purpose. Vegging should be about 6500k to 8000k.


Active Member
growing in a closet i would suggest a 90 watt ufo led light , The 90 watt led light will produce up to 600 watts of lumes light and no heat ,comes with cooling fan built in.

cost about $750 per light at a hydroponic store ,but can order online for $350.

Hps lights last about 6 months LED light will last for 50,000 hours or about 10 years.
Ya buy an led if you want scrawny buds and a sick lookin plant. LEDS suck dont fall for the scam.