I’m confused and I need help


Well-Known Member
im a newbie never thought they would be that sensitive when it comes to transplanting
Gotta start somewhere dude, autos r very sensitive to everything, even light hence the reason why they automatically flower at a set time, it is best u run them at about 20 on 4 off but I’ve done a crop of autos wit the light on them 24/7.. next run u do of autos try to start em all in 5gallon pots preferably fabric for breathing/root health. And if I were u Next run I would mix up a light organic supersoil mix of like 2-3-4 or sumthing 25% more phosphorus but not too low in nitrogen. Mix up ur pots 3/4 full then put non fertilized soil the top quarter so ur seed grows into the light mix of nutes by day 20 or so and has feed all the way through pretty much only have to water, and maybe amend sum high phosphorus bat guano on like day 35 er sumthing as an extra bud builder supplement.. a lot of ppl grow autos in pre fertilized soil like that and had great success, just gotta balance ur shit man it’s like life. Balance is everything ur plants will show u what they want down the road, never wing it and wild out nutrient wise u will regret it, much better to under feed then top up then to over feed and fight deficiency the rest of the run


Well-Known Member
At this point any extra feed u give it on top what u already have been, will probly stunt it really rly bad dude considering it had a stressful life to begin with, I’d continue feeding at same dosage if no sign of bad, adding more only when they show slight deficiency


Well-Known Member
Some ppl would defoliate or “pick off there feeder leaves” and it’s detrimental to your plants health that’s how they uptake nutrients is through there big fat leaves!


Well-Known Member
Tucking is for lazy ppl like me that don’t wanna bother with tying em down yet lol, there a lil small anyways for LST, I just topped n fimmed em last night