I'm Doing Pure Acid Drop On A Peice Of Paper!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeaaa LSD is pretty hard to synthesize... need a lot fo lab equipment to my knowledge. It's deff not just something you can cook up anywhere like meth.

edit: maybe he just makes the blotter? aka has a vial of lsd and puts it on paper for blotters?

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
dude you gotta be kidding... first of all liquid lsd isn't pure lsd... its lsd suspended in alcohol.. ever take a thumbprint? prolly not.. second of all mail me some fuggin dose, or w/e your eatin over there kidddo... third of all...

dont worry, ill think of something..


Well-Known Member
at alot of colleges organic chem majors make MDMA (E) and sometimes doses. those guys can get lysergic acid from the chem rooms or special order it then do it up. good luck man, dosing is mad fun!

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooord i love acid. i hear its a tough synthesis compared to molly tho... also, ergot fungus is a good source of lsa i hear.. im no chemist tho.. yet


Well-Known Member
i think a thumbprint is equalivent to 500 hits instantly...i may be wrong most i ever ate was 3 orange suns @ one time


Well-Known Member
i haven't done any acid since 1990, greatful dead concert @ freedom hall, Louisville,Ky. lol so long ago, great times.. :)


Well-Known Member
lsa can be made at home thats probably what hes making

and to the guy talking about the thumbprint lol yeah that is evil knievel but man is it fun well it can be lol


Active Member
it's pure lsd thumbprint on paper and man i tripped hardcore lol this reply is hella long ago i got outa rehab the week before i did this LOL ajhahah LMAO i watched Alice in Wonderland and everytime i left and came back it started at the same point i left


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yea.. your friend would have to be pretty goddamned good at chem to make LSD.. maybe is was LSA? Or, maybe he bought a vial and bullshitted you that he made it to sound cool? Either way, you got something that made you trip, doesn't really matter who made it or where you get it.

And to a couple dudes above, Molly is a pretty easy, straightforward synthesis.. lsd on the otherhand, is neither.