I'm freaking out. Can someone help?


Well-Known Member
There's been a helicopter making repetitive circles and it keeps flying right over our house going in the same big circle for like 5-10 solid minutes. It's pretty low flying too. No spot lights or anything. Just red tail blinker. Its pretty low. In 5 years of living here, I have never noticed this happen before, but it is alarming to me because I just started growing a month ago in my closet.

Was it a bad move for me to buy seeds online and for them to be delivered to my house? Surely they wouldn't catch me that fast....

I know you guys are laughing at me but I'm brand new at this and growing in a state where it's illegal.

Is this chopper surveying me? Would police doing surveillance do circles around the house and fly over the house they are investigating?

I'm having a panic attack
First few lines of this story I was thinking your yard is packed full of tall trees ganga style?
Wonder who is flyig the chopper and would have the balls to invade a 6 gram grow OP?
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First few lines of this story I was thinking your yard is packed full of tall trees ganga style?
Wonder who is flyig the chopper and would have the balls to invade a 6 gram grow OP?
I just realized today that I live close to a regional airport. Maybe the chopper was circling while waiting to land or something.i asked my buddy whose a cop and he said "to be honest, they could be doing anything". My friend of course doesn't know I grow lol
You are way way over thinking this. I don't even know if you're being serious now. I'm out.
TWC is talking about police tracking my posts back to my cell phone in order to triangulate my position in order for police to raid my small grow tent. That sounds retarded


Well-Known Member
I just realized today that I live close to a regional airport. Maybe the chopper was circling while waiting to land or something.i asked my buddy whose a cop and he said "to be honest, they could be doing anything". My friend of course doesn't know I grow lol
Hellicopters park in a different part of the airport specially the cops. They don't have to wait.


wow this reminds me of a bad acid trip, Guy if its personal cut down ur plant size. better safe than sorry. my towns po po's work in a joint effort with the reserves here and they do fly overs all the time. its not far fetched to think they get a thermal scan every month to see whats changing and who's doin what. also here they will put yrs into an investigation just to bust a big fish. i think your safe buddy. if your power meter concerns you, dont use ur washer dryer as much as u use to. should compensate for power usage. take in a deep rip and relax man

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
welcome to the life of a farmer. over the years you grow balls and then the ineveitable grey ball hair from having this as a hobby.

absolute number 1 rule. dont tell anybody. best friends and girlfriends are quick to flip.

youll see
wow this reminds me of a bad acid trip, Guy if its personal cut down ur plant size. better safe than sorry. my towns po po's work in a joint effort with the reserves here and they do fly overs all the time. its not far fetched to think they get a thermal scan every month to see whats changing and who's doin what. also here they will put yrs into an investigation just to bust a big fish. i think your safe buddy. if your power meter concerns you, dont use ur washer dryer as much as u use to. should compensate for power usage. take in a deep rip and relax man
Thanks brother. I actually have an anxiety disorder, which cannabis helps with most of the time


Well-Known Member
There was a member here that got rolled up from Texas for the same things we are talking about and they new all about this forum and his post. He only used to grow one fat dwc plant and they rolled him up hard.
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