im guessing this is nute burn?


Active Member
i've never had nute burn before . . . is this what it looks like? i added some when watering a few days ago

and if so, is this something i can wait out or should i take some action like flushing these homies out?



Well-Known Member
my comp is tweaking so I can't see your pic. However, if the tips of the fan leaves are browing/dieing than it's safe to say it's nute burn. If that's the case then you need to flush them ASAP. You can't undo the damage that's been done, but you can keep it from getting worse


Well-Known Member
This doesn't look like your classic fert burn. If this is a mature plant in flower, then this appears to me to be the normal (or frequent) shedding of the lower fan leaves.


Active Member
Some of my leaves show the same symptoms and I was worried that it was nute burn too, but after flushing and checking the pH with a friend's meter, I'm thinking that it's normal like MrFishy pointed out.