I'm in a tight spot

God of Chaos

Active Member
Okay, so I'm still living with my parents in Colorado, so naturally, I'm in an extremely conservative environment. I'm broke and I'm on probation, going to rehab on a weekly basis. I know how to cover my UAs, so I've got that set. I can get seeds easily cuz no one around here wants to try and grow anything. My room gets about 14 hours of steady red light and stays at a constant temperature of 60 - 75 degrees in the day, 50 - 60 at night. I have no flourescent lights, but I do have a black light (don't know if that matters). I was just wondering what possibility I have of growing anything, even small, if only for personal use. I realize that this is probably the most newbie thing anyone here has ever heard, but I have to ask someone, right? I'm not expecting positive results, but I'd definately like to do something.


Active Member
black light - this is not good, don;t use it .
You will need some cool light / floro tubes, MANDATORY !
If you really need just one fixture, you can buy just one 150 W Metal Halid light, and you can work just with that .

and I think you need a anti drug test gig ready in case of police trouble.

peace !

God of Chaos

Active Member
Well, I thank you for your advice, I've been running on rumors and hopes, so that at least gives me a ground to start my ideas.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
For what you got to work with and the situation your in with no equiptment and your parents and probate just buy a sac and hide it somewhere as it ll cost more to grow a single plant then a reg oz from bag.Good luck from a former 6 year probater to another new one lol those years are so hard to walk clean and straight lol


Well-Known Member
Don't even waste your time tryin unless your going to spend some $$$$$ on sufficient lighting and other important supplies.


Active Member
Outdoor growing does seem to be the most simple and good way to go for you .
In fact, you will not have any weed on you,
you can plant your seeds somewhere where it is not your property,
If you keep the g spot for yourself, no one can say that you have planted that there, and I am sure you will not put yourself in that position .

And the most important thing is that, outdoor, IT GETS WAAAYY BIGGER !, WAAAAY BETTER and ! LESS EXPENSIVE ;)...

ohh..and offcourse, after you harvest and dry it real good, you can stash the weed by covering it in plastic bags and in the outdoor ground it go, as no one will ever find it .

peace !


Well-Known Member
yeah dnt even try to grow indoors your broke and your a proby dont even attempt just plant em outdoors thats your only chance of growing

God of Chaos

Active Member
That was my first thought, the problem is that it snows all year unpredictably and there's no property around where people wouldn't clearly see it growing. I suppose I could just buy, but I figured that if I had seeds lying around I might as well put them to use. I don't know, it was a quick thought, but I figured I should get some input before I went to work with it.


Well-Known Member
That was my first thought, the problem is that it snows all year unpredictably and there's no property around where people wouldn't clearly see it growing. I suppose I could just buy, but I figured that if I had seeds lying around I might as well put them to use. I don't know, it was a quick thought, but I figured I should get some input before I went to work with it.
i have grown some in northern Alberta, so if that worked for me it should do the same in much warmer Colorado i guess. pre-grow our plants to max a foot of height so that you can conceal them in a moving box. that is a got set up to move them around unspotted;)
did you ever go hunting/fishing or maybe camping? there you passed thousands of good spots to grow, i grown my own supply outdoors in my hunting grounds. the only problem with this is how to keep out wildlife, deer is a major pain, as well as squirrels and i had once a black bear in there... he is now in my place on the floor:D so you my spend some time and money on fencing in the grow;)


Active Member
I hate to agree but your not in the best psition to be growing your own jane. If you want to do it indoors..atleast wait til you get your own place so you won't be putting your parent's ass on the line. There are many ways to grow outdoors in colorado you just have to do a little searching on the frosts in your area. As of now though with going to rehab and on the probation it does not sound like you have much time to devote to this anyway. Good luck!



Active Member
Yeah seriosly, with an indoor grow of six plants in Hydro, i have been devoting allot of time over the last few months, and everyone in my house knows it. Even if you didnt tell them, which ideally you would inform others who are at risk because of your venture, they would find out. The stuff smells, electric bill sours, fans, filters, make noise. I got it stealthed, but am still oblgated to inform house hold members before i started. IE wife.

I tried growing once when i was 14 in my iguana pen, fenced the plant, and all, was on probation, and after some unsuccessful trys decided to have patience and wait it out for the next few years till i could be in a position to enjoy my hobby more maturely.