Im not sure what to do I need some input

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
i need help my plants are on there 30th day of flowering and the trics are already turning amber and the lower leaves are turning yellow my problem is should i start flushing or should i let them go the full 60 day's i dont want to wait and then have them die and not flush them what do u guys think here are the spec's

Strian haze
system deep water culture hydro
temp 72 degree's
ph 6.3
30 day's into flower
vegged for 28 day's taken from clone

oh by the way the bud's are huge too but how can it be ready there's just no way

oh another qustion how long should i flush for 1 or 2 week's

here are the pics





View attachment 541773

Illegal Smile

I agree it can't be ready. I think the trichs you are seeing are just preliminary ones and, amber or not, you gotta wait for the big wave of trichs to appear and mature. I'd just try to get it healthy and keep it going. On the other hand, you say the buds are big so if you are satisfied with what the yiled looks like right now, I'd trim a piece of bud and try it. It's easy to gamble with someone else's product, but if it were mine I'd gamble on waiting. I think. bongsmilie


Active Member
be patient thats the key. they look really nice though ,congrats. your yield looks to be very fruitful. :weed:

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
1. Take a deep breath and calm down

2. Haze takes "70 to 80 days Indoors"

3. Put away your scope until 50% of the pistols whither

4. Flush when you think they're ready to be harvested, because they probably still won't be ready.

It should look more like this when it's ripe


mine are grandaddy purple and growing outside but are doing the same thing!!! The fan leaves started yellowing and falling off a couple weeks ago, now this. Should I cut off the ones that are yellowing? Right now am feeding bloom terra, when you say to flush them you mean just water a couple weeks before harvest?


New Member
Once a leaf yellows, it is no longer productive. yes, you should trim it....especially if you have humidity in the air. My mold always starts at a small dead leaf I somehow missed. Once that mold gets inside the cola..... ur almost certainly going to end up topping that cola off.


Well-Known Member
your pistols are not turning color yet. as Greencross says, waiting will payoff. good luck, they sure are pretty.


Once a leaf yellows, it is no longer productive. yes, you should trim it....especially if you have humidity in the air. My mold always starts at a small dead leaf I somehow missed. Once that mold gets inside the cola..... ur almost certainly going to end up topping that cola off.

it is at the top of the cola, so it's probably mold? I have to get batteries, will get pic this evening..


New Member
If you have moisture and you have dead leaves..... mold is not far behind. Separate the cola gently and peek inside. mold always starts on the inside, which is why by the time some ppl notice it on the outside.... it's too late.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
thanks guys u deffinatly eased my mind i think i am worried becuse this harvest is my best so far thanks for all the good input it gratly apriciated