im not sure what to use!! please help me


im not sure if i should use a few low watt cfls

or can i use my 2 24w t5 tubes used for fish tanks
one is marine blue and the other is tropical idk the kelvin for them but they have a colour scale on them, ill put pics up
marine.jpg trpoical.jpg
i really want to know what to use... ill only have 2 plants max at a time


Well-Known Member
Get 6 6500k daylight cfl's to start off with. You'll also have to get some sockets and make your on light fixture. I never used t5's so I can't help you there. I used cfl's for my first grow they work great if used properly.


so i get 6 6500k cfls for growth and 6 2700k for flowering??

btw im not sure how to wire a light fixture


Well-Known Member
I would use 3 of each while flowering in 12/12... It's not hard. they have the sockets at home depot.
This is what I did.
Took a piece of thin board cut 3, 1" holes in it then inserted the sockets. You will also have to buy 3 Y shaped sockets unless you want to make 6 holes. Up to you.
After they are inserted your going to have to either find a cord that you can wire all your negatives together and all your positives together.
Solder them onto the terminals and tape off with electrical tape.

If your not good at doing that sort of stuff, I would probably just use the t5's and buy a light fixture.. I love to build stuff though so it came easy for me.