i'm smoking CASEY


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever heard of "CASEY". not KC as in the seed company but CASEY as in the name. it is some type of hybrid from northern california. possibly a coastal gold hybrid. it is SOOOOOOO sweet. it smells and taste like a box of fruit loops. i thought it was purple haze and misnamed it. went back to the club where i got it and found out it was casey. anyone ever here of this?






Well-Known Member
really? Awsome, i dont know if i have any seeds in this bag, but heres hoping... Cant believe i am wishing seeds are in my bag.


Active Member
Yeuah once me and my boy smoked a half of white widow and there wa sno seeds after liek 6 bluynts then all of a sudden one liek a g popped out 7 perfectly fopremed seeds oi planted em outside i got like 8 gram most were male and my cat ate them