Immaculate Conception


New Member
Some time in June my wife planted some flowers in our backyard under our trees. One of the petunias started to look weird so I went out to look at it. There was a Cannabis plant growing out of them. I know this is unfucking believable but I don’t care if you believe me or not. I was questioning my wife about planting it and she was doing the same. I am not a MJ but have smoked some in the past.

We live in the Great state of Colorado and I decided to care for the little guy as a hobby out of covid bordem. This thing has survived a hail storm in July and snow in early September. It’s been a fun inexpensive hobby.

I have been feeding it flower fuel since 8/24 and cal mag since 9/10. I started flushing 10 days ago. I have no expirence growing. I wanted to post some pictures to see how close you guys think I am to harvest. Any info helps and I’m happy to answer questions. Don’t be condescending b/c this is my first and an accidental grow and I am very busy. I only have a few minutes in the morning and after dinner to tend to it.

We have been lucky with the weather since the snow. Lows are going to dip in to the high 30’s next week so I was going to harvest on Sunday night. Am I close enough to do this or should I cover her at night and wait a few more weeks? Guessing she was born in early June and I think started flowering on 8/24.

