Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**


New Member
Let me get this straight.......... I'm not allowed to have and opinion on the topic unless it's an opinion approved by UncleBuck or i would be ferociously trolled by him and the others? I'm sorry, but i don't think Trump is going to be impeached. Does that mean i like It means i'm giving you an real honest opinion!


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight.......... I'm not allowed to have and opinion on the topic unless it's an opinion approved by UncleBuck or i would be ferociously trolled by him and the others? I'm sorry, but i don't think Trump is going to be impeached. Does that mean i like It means i'm giving you an real honest opinion!
the ellipsis abuse is un-fucking-canny.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight.......... I'm not allowed to have and opinion on the topic unless it's an opinion approved by UncleBuck or i would be ferociously trolled by him and the others? I'm sorry, but i don't think Trump is going to be impeached. Does that mean i like It means i'm giving you an real honest opinion!
Hey New Member !!!!!
Please send everyone who has doubted you 153 bucks to prove them fucking wrong


New Member
What the fuck is everyone problem? i just made one post and have been constantly attacked by uncle buck and sneeky ninja for no reason! I just found out about this place today on thcfarmer where a guy said the same thing happened to him here i guess hes right! where the hell is the admin or a mod at, how can they let this go on? i don't even like trump anb would celebrate if he was arrested, but i gave my honest opinion and i get ferociously abused!


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is everyone problem? i just made one post and have been constantly attacked by uncle buck and sneeky ninja for no reason! I just found out about this place today on thcfarmer where a guy said the same thing happened to him here i guess hes right! where the hell is the admin or a mod at, how can they let this go on? i don't even like trump anb would celebrate if he was arrested, but i gave my honest opinion and i get ferociously abused!
I think you should send a complaint in triplicate to the complaints department. Keep a copy and re-post your complaint daily. The mods really do care about your feelings and will want to investigate the travesty just visited upon and will get back with you and will see to it that evildoers are punished to the limit of the site policy but they need daily reminders to do so because, well, this is a pot board maybe you should also send letters to the editor of newspapers in all fifty states too and the governors and the president of the US and maybe the grand poo-bah of the UN for human rights violations. Most everybody does care about you, snowflake. Me, not so much.

Oh and spell checker works. You might try it out.