In Need Of legit advice


I have a small room aprox. 2'x10'x6' WxHxL ,i think i should use a 400 watt mh/hps light but not sure??? any suggestions,also i plan on using a 4in booster for intake and a 4in inline for exhaust is this ok?


Well-Known Member
starting out small lol do you think it would get to hot in the room?
not with proper ventilation.

2x6x10= 120 cubic feet.

you want to switch out the air in the room about 3 times a minute or so, so you need a fan capable of about 360 cfm.

you can also mitigate the heat by ducting the lights (see air cooled lights) separately from the ambient air.

or you can stay with a single 400 watter, but you'll still need decent ventilation.