In need of serious help


Well-Known Member
Ive got weed but no papers, blunts, pipes, bongs, cans, or anything... Anyone know how to make a quick pipe out of everyday household items? Need help guys, be creative!


Well-Known Member
You can make a couple different things..

Tinfoil, but bad for you to smoke out of

Gravity bong

Lightbulb as a vape (prob not good for you, but not sure)

Uhh, just make a bong out of some jug, uhhh and somethign else as a stem.. bic pen? Tinfoil bowl, again not good for you but woudl work....



Well-Known Member
I use a i gallon applejuice bottle with a pen that I have take apart as a stem, and use a metal point from a pen turned upside down as a bowl. And a carb hole.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Find any hard fruit and make it into a pipe. An apple works good. Google it to see how to do it


Well-Known Member
ok... so i just found a pen. Hollowed the bitch out... thought of doing a bottle and some foil to make a bong... then i decided fuck it, cut the middle man and just do the hollowed pen and a foil bowl... turns out that was an awesome idea, Cause im really high right now. So i think it took full affect :) Then I found the fridge :D... and now im eating a combination of tuna and mac and cheese ( not the publix brand, but the delicious kraft one :) Plus, you know have you ever added like a slice of reg cheese in there, cuase its awesome!) then some cheetos on the side and a tuna sandwich :D... im prety much good to go :blsmoke:... thanks for the creative ideas i was really in need


Well-Known Member
Dude! Mac n Cheese + tuna is the shit! Throw a little pepper in that bitch and you're good to go. Eat it straight out of the pot.


Well-Known Member
Haha what a great high post on the food. You just had this amazing tangent of food talk about everything.. Makes me want to go smoke and eat... Shit!


Well-Known Member
thanks man, for what i think was a compliment :) i do my best... in glad to know theres help from people when someone needs it :-D thanks again guys and for keeping me company :)