Indications that curing went bad.


Active Member
As the title states i'm wondering what signs to look for when curing goes bad. I started curing two days ago and might have done it a bit early. It is not emitting a scent indicative of good weed. Instead it smells like dried lawn and slightly like weed. The buds itself look great and still retains its crystals and smells ok but the overall scent emitted from the curing jar smells like that described previously. Please help i've worked so hard for this harvest...


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I thought mine smelled a little off when i wiffed the jar but when I gave a small bud to a friend they said it smelled dank. The plant is still breaking down and is emitting gasses as it decomposes. After a week or so in the jar it will smell dif....


Well-Known Member
yep keep burping the jars and stirring them up that smell will change ... Oh will it change .. to that SWEET SMELL WE ALL LOVE


Well-Known Member
Depending on the strain, some take up to a month to six months. If you keep airing them out 20 to 30 minutes a day. I usually notice total smell after a month usually.


Active Member
Thanks this is my first yield. I'm finding that this whole process is quite involved! Hopefully my next harvest will be easier. Just one more question One of my buds doesn't smell dank at all; will it start to smell as time goes by in the curing process?



Well-Known Member
also if you never flushed before harvesting to use up the chlorophyll in the plant then it will have a grassier smell and taste


Well-Known Member
I've noticed some jars are quicker than others to start developing that nice aroma. So all I did was pray and make you stir them bro!