indoor flowering plant put outdoors in march


i just put a indoor plant thats flowered for a week i want to put it outside right now that its spring time in tx is this a good or bad idea will it hirmie or not continue flowering its about 2 months veg and a week flowering inside


Active Member
I agree with MJUNCo the outdoor light cycle is about to switch around back to veg. as the day light is drawing longer and longer. And it's def. not going to hold off another 7wks to finish flowering ur girl. so i would recommend bringing it back indoors if you want to continue to flower it. or leave it out if your wanting a monster bush this fall.


Active Member
Just keep it inside. If you move it outside at this time it will revert back to veg and have mad seeds when it does flower.


well thats a good thing and bad thing i guess im not sure what ill do next i think il just leave it be and hope for the best


Active Member
leave it outside but put a 2 black garbage bags over each one around 6pm. might be able to trick it. food for thought
dont do ^^that^^ its a pain in the ass and could cause mold and shit. do what aseboy said and leave it outside for it to re veg, then when it comes time to flower you will have SO MUCH MORE BUD!


Active Member
Just keep it inside. If you move it outside at this time it will revert back to veg and have mad seeds when it does flower.
tht is possible but not necessarily a fact... it can herme out and produce seeds in some cases but not all... In all its all your decision if you cant continue indoors then pray it works out when you move it outdoors


tht is possible but not necessarily a fact... it can herme out and produce seeds in some cases but not all... In all its all your decision if you cant continue indoors then pray it works out when you move it outdoors
thanks ill update when i can by the way im growing the lambo strain from thseeds hybrid it realy does good indoor im having issues so everything must go out side it sucks but it might pay off in the fall as you guys said


Active Member
Im not sure i understood the question correctly but it is better to put a vegging plant outside than a lowering plant cuz it will stop growing for a short period while it gets used to being outdoors and turns back to veg


Active Member
and there is a chance it will herm but if you remove the male sites b4 they pollinate your females you will get some good buds


Active Member
You live in TX so your temps are perfect at this time of year to pull a harvest like that. It helps to have strains that finish in 8-9 weeks. Don't worry about the days getting longer because if you have flowered for a week indoor and put them outside now you will get buds.

I live in a climate like you and pulled a nice harvest last year growing indoors then putting them out in late march. I harvested around first week in June. Buds were great. A couple strains that have more sativa influence started to show little spruts of green growth coming out the tops of buds (start of reveg) but finished nicely. The indicas finished completely with no problems.

Sometimes you just gotta test things for yourself and see what happens. But for you, come June, you will be happy you tested this advance technique. Congrats :clap:. I promise after you see whats possible this year, you will go bigger next year knowing its not a gamble, but a sure thing.

I may start a journal with mycurrent spring harvest to help others learn how to do it. Good luck you ya!



Well-Known Member
Very interesting thread! Like the OP, I too have some indoor plants (RP OG#18s & King Louis XIIIs)
vegged for 12 weeks indoor but spent half of their winter life time so far outdoors during the day hours being I live in the forgiving
so cal weather and now they are in the 1st day of the 3rd week of flowering and I too am thinking
it is time to leave them outdoors. Total flowering time will be 10 weeks long cause I plan on
over ripening the plants to create the couch lock effect.
I wonder what will happen with my plants leaving them outdoors from now on in so cal where there
is plenty of sun. They are starting their 3rd week of flowering with buds and no signs of the plants re vegging as of yet.
What would you do in this sitch?


its bin 5 days she whent outside she is taking the transition like a champ still looking good il post pictures tomorrow



these are some of the bag seeds im going to put out with my lambo strain i think they are doing well so far some of them are showing stress i dont know why yet can some 1 tell me what could be wrong with some of these and if bagseeds are worth growing outside
I start my plants in cups like that and whenever they get to about that size, they become rootbound and sometimes show the same symptoms of stress. you just need to transplant them into something a little bigger for now. and yes bagseed is worth growing outside, last summer i just on a whim put some shitty seeds outside and then was really suprised withwhat i got. the bud was about ten times better than the weed i had gotten it from. when the plant is in its natural environment, it grows very very well and if you grow it the same as you would amazing seeds that you ordered, it will be totally worth it. if you put schwag outdoors will it be the most amazing weed ever? no but it will still be much better than the weed you got it from. i think this is because when people grow anything but chronic on a large or semi large scale, they just want to cut it dry it and sell it as quick as they can, so the weed ends up not living up to its full potential


I start my plants in cups like that and whenever they get to about that size, they become rootbound and sometimes show the same symptoms of stress. you just need to transplant them into something a little bigger for now. and yes bagseed is worth growing outside, last summer i just on a whim put some shitty seeds outside and then was really suprised withwhat i got. the bud was about ten times better than the weed i had gotten it from. when the plant is in its natural environment, it grows very very well and if you grow it the same as you would amazing seeds that you ordered, it will be totally worth it. if you put schwag outdoors will it be the most amazing weed ever? no but it will still be much better than the weed you got it from. i think this is because when people grow anything but chronic on a large or semi large scale, they just want to cut it dry it and sell it as quick as they can, so the weed ends up not living up to its full potential
thanks i needed that i will def transplant tomorrow thanks and should i add calmag to my ro water every time i water