Indoor Flowers?


Well-Known Member
Anyone grow flowers indoors under HID lighting? I want to grow Dahlias, but they are large plants(3 feet) when grown outdoors. What other flowers are easy to grow indoors? Would Dahlias be a relatively easy thing to grow indoors? I know they require staking, but that's not a huge concern.



Active Member
You should be able to grow nearly any flower under HID. If you are using soil then you can plant anything. Be aware that most flowers will also prefer the different light spactrums for vegatative or flowering cycles. Saw some nice zinnias in hydroponics once...


You should be able to grow nearly any flower under HID. If you are using soil then you can plant anything. Be aware that most flowers will also prefer the different light spactrums for vegatative or flowering cycles. Saw some nice zinnias in hydroponics once...
I just sprouted a few seed about 5 days ago, and plopped 2 in the center of a hanging planter I had just started consisting of pathos and wandering jew. Its now 3 inches tall and its not in my grow area. Should be interesting to see how it pans out.


Active Member
I just sprouted a few seed about 5 days ago, and plopped 2 in the center of a hanging planter I had just started consisting of pathos and wandering jew. Its now 3 inches tall and its not in my grow area. Should be interesting to see how it pans out.
i am a morning glory freak......very cool.......daisys can be finnicky outside but love a constant 70 degrees so they would thrive inside