indoor grow but outside during day


Active Member
i have got the seeds which are at about 3 weeks old, got 2 rooms set up 1 for veg with a load of cfls and a room for flower with a 600w light, cant remember if its a mh or hps at the mo. Anyway the questions i wanted to ask were
1. am i doing ok by putting the plants out during the day, it is fine for me to put the plants out during the day where i am while veging, but will i be doing the plant any harm by doing this then putting them back under the cfls for the remainder of the hours needed, when they are ready to flower they will go under the 600w for 12/12
2. when in the year should i stop doing this cause i know that the light changes later in the year or could i keep doing this all year
3. At the mo the weather here in england is cold and v wet (typical brit weather really) so should i keep the plants under cfls during the day or if it is ok to take them outside for the day will they be ok in the cold weather which hopfully shouldnt last that much longer



Well-Known Member
if you dont want intruders carried into your grow area ie bugs fungi spores and pathenogens, then dont do it unless you have to. clothes shoes hands tools water soil, all needs to be clean before taken in your grow room.

you can get a farmers alminac that tells you the growing season outdoors for your area. it shows the light and dark schedule for the whole year and tells you what plants to plant when and when the frost ends and starts sort of thing.

im sorry the weather is gloomy, it will get better, i promise. happy growing and good luck. feel free to hit me up


Well-Known Member
Hey there darmagirl have you caught up with kindprincess yet?

Where I am the cops use helos with infrared which picks up outside pot plants, so be careful with the outside thing. I personally wouldn't do it because I was talking to a friend who did a grow in his garden and it attracted un-wanted attention from scumbags who wanted to help themselves to his grow. And just a thought but you wouldn't want your crop spoiled by some stray pollen from lurking male plants :roll:

How have you got your cfl's set up? Hey and hope the weather picks up for you there :blsmoke:


Active Member
Where i was planning on putting them during the day would of been pretty much secure from unwanted attention from the ground but i hadnt thought about heli's, i do get alot of police heli's where i live cause its only about 2 miles from a juvenile detention centre from which the little brats easily escape from!!!!!! so its a good thing i was reminded about that, i hear them so often that its just background noise now.


Well-Known Member
dharma, I've been doing exactly the same thing you are doing - I vegged outside and completed my 18 hours under CFLs. Now I am in flowering and I put them outside about 80% of the time, depending on weather and visitors. Originally, I had 8 plants vegging outside. I don't think cops in helos would notice a crop that small. Good luck