Indoor Grow Room Needs Help Starting Up


Well-Known Member
Moved into a new apartment building. I have a 4.5ft x 7ft size closet available for use.

I would like to create a perpetual grow. I am hoping to be able to yield 5oz every 3 weeks (that's excluding the drying period).

I was thinking I would simply use cfl lights for the veg. stage and a 600W HPS light for the flowering stage.

I found this deal on ebay

I would appreciate input on other key items I will need to purchase to get this going. Especially advice on keeping the scent down as I want this to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Thanks and I look forward to any and all advice given!


Well-Known Member
Go with T5HO for veg and then go with a can filter (size 33) and a 4" intake. Let your plants veg hard and when one gets 18 " flower her and let the others wait 2 weeks then flower another then another 2 weeks another goes in. This way each plant that goes in will yeild more than the last.
Oh also no cloneing until they are mature, then wait 1-2 weeks before 12/12


Well-Known Member
I appreciate that last post, but you could put more structure into what you are saying. It is hard for me to follow you. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
T5 High Output. Less heat and very good for veging.
Can filters come in small Like size 33 perfect for 160 cubic feet. A size 55 will do a garage.
Letting your plants get 18" will assure you that they are Mature (capable of flowering) Clone her then flower her and let the others keep veging they will make 22" before you know it (higer yeilds) clone then flower one, then wait until another makes 26" and clone then flower her.
At this rate you will have a perpetual garden of over 20" before flowering and maybe one plant going in every 2 weeks. You just go slow and let them the next plant grow larger than the last.