indoor lollipop 300w led/ 32w red led booster


New Member
First. Indoor grow I vegged bout 7weeks with. 4 48" t8 veggers till bout 20" then went 12/12 with the led's 300w China and 32w red spot, trimmed the bottom 4 branched and a 2 more a couple. Nodes up all and cloning them but question is is this technique wise and can I get proper bud growth with these lights I also usr technaflora nutes ...I posted this in grow rooms on accidental so sorry for repeating my self

Greatfully. Deadicated


Well-Known Member
Sure, u will get bud to grow but don't expect a lb. Marijuana will grow under any light. Florescent, led, hps etc.


New Member
have u ever use LED light?

No I haven't. But just went to the electric shop and got a ballast for a 400w hps and a bulb commercial grade so a little more complicated than the grow kind but will have the same effect do I'm sure with the 400 hps, 300 led, red spot led I will have more than enough. Light but if you have any advice spill some so I can mop it up cause my wife will be all over my ass if I don't break even with weight, just playin. She cool I just don't wanna look like an ass