indoor/outdoor grow

first update... there 9 days old.. 24/0 cycle. been waking up at seven and putting them outdoor ad durring the night kept under about 75w of cfls. some will stay in, and some will be outdoor. my second grow. mostly bagseed. but i leaked my grow to a close friend, think i was going to regret it... tells me he's got a white widow seed. no pics of it but its not even got its first rigid leafs yet. theres nine total. hes a nice pic of the two biggest.



Well-Known Member
No need to bring them outside at this point. This will just stress them. Wait till they get their 4th or 5th set of true leaves.

Set up a dummy grow that went wrong. Tell your friend you want to show him how much they have grown and that buds are forming already (more than likely he wont know any better). Then show him the grow and oh no, all that is left of them are bits of dry stems (taken from outside). Shit! What happened? Oh well, fuck it! Its easier to just buy weed.

Then never speak of it again.
quite i bit of growth to be under 39watts of cfl 2700k. setup is temporary just enough to keep them going untill this weather turns around, best place to buy 23w 6500k's? few pics. the little one is white widow, or white rhino. i started her late.

