Indoor Setup: Help....


Active Member
First things first, I have never grown before. As it were, I find myself in a position where growing is my best option.

This is a sketch of a SCROG grow setup that I hope to have going in the next few weeks. It will be in the very back of my apartment, in a spare bathroom, using the closet as well.

Some specs:
- CFL lighting, right now thinking about hanging them 2 in. above plants, but may switch to hanging them between plants instead. The lights will have reflectors made from soda cans. These lights will be connected to a timer to control the lighting.
- Tension rods support the whole setup a few feet above the floor to utilize the space taken up on the floor by the toilet.
- The setup is in a chamber constructed from black foam core boards, lined on the inside with mylar.
- The plants will be in pots, which are placed in plastic drain pans, which will be emptied periodically.
- Oscillating fans, possibly two, will be placed inside the chamber.
- Exhaust fans (also possibly two) will be installed as well, including Panhead's $3 carbon filter.
- Above the plants will be a screen (as per the SCROG method).

I would love any sort of advice I can get on this setup, this is my first time growing, so any constructive criticism is also appreciated.

I still have not picked what strain to grow, I would rather do bagseed but unfortunately it's not a possibility at the moment. The room gets somewhat stuffy when my roommate inevitably turns the heating in the apartment on, but at most it's probably no more than 76F, so I'd guess the temp inside the chamber would get to the high 80s at the most.

Another question: The total space is around 3'x8', a total of 24 sq. ft. How many plants would it be feasible to grow in this space? Of course, another option is to run the setup on the floor for stability at the sacrifice of some area.

Damn, I ended up typing quite a lot. If any of the experienced growers around this place could take a look at this setup, I would really, really appreciate the help....

Only one more question, I swear! Is the SCROG the best choice for this setup, or should I try LST instead?



Active Member
you have be careful as you dont want to burn your plants your set up is basically ok remember that your plants use blue light for veg and red spectrum for flower so you will have to make sure your plants get rite conditions or you will not get result you would like looking at room you have i suggest lowryder strains as they dont grow taller than about 2 feet tall but you have to b able to raise and /or lower light as plants grow a bathroom washing /drying wrack would do trick as it can b raised or lowered accordingly fix lights to that


Active Member
lights cant be that close to plants as they will grow and burn unless you keep moving it up what i can say is everytime you do it ya get better and better i have 16 plants under each light in a bed good luck all the info on this site alone should hook ya good


Active Member
Yeah, I know the lights need to be moved, and I plan on having "cool white" type lights for veg, then "warm white" for flowering. I've got a decent amount of head room so the height isn't really an issue, but if I let them get too tall, I would have to keep adding lights, which is possible, but there would be a financial limit at some point.

Thanks for the replies!