indoor to outdoor, the makings of a sticky 2010


Active Member
hey guys this is my grow, im using 6 27 watt cfls and 1 150 watt cfl in cab thats about 24''x18''x42''. i started with like 20 bc big bud seeds 12 germinated and grew planted in 2 litre bottles on feb 1st. i kept them on 18/6 for 3 weeks then swaped them to 11/13 untill i saw some nice white hairs growing on 5 of them. i killed the males and put two of the females outdoors because i dont have the room for them inside. as for the ones i have inside the biggest one i have that i have been doing lst on i have taken six clones off it. i put 4 of th clones into aqua foam and 2 into soil. the clones and plant i have indoors will all go outside on may long weekend when i have the time to make the trek way back into the bush.

any input would be nice.


this is the plant i took the clones off

this is the last one

here are the clones

and a baby that im thinking of destroying cause i have 5 females from seed and an infinite amount of clones so i dont know if i want to risk a male

thats it, ill take the plants out of my grow box and take better pics if enough people want to see :)