Indoor to Outdoor?


Active Member
So i was thinking about trying to get an early start for next years outdoor season but i got to thinking, if i start a mother plant inside (im doing clones) on 18/6 lighting schedule wont't it flower when i put it outside, since it'l only be around 13/11 or 14/10?


Well-Known Member
If that is the longest light period in your area then I would veg the clones up to a foot high in a 1 gallon planta bag or pot, then weather them for a week and transplant them at that stage where they are at least old enough to switch if the photo period is short in your region.


Well-Known Member
yep sorry i wasnt more clear, when i said 'then weather them for a week' that means put them outside during the day for the first 2-3 days then day 4 and onward leave them out overnight.


Active Member
hmm well the only problem with weathering them is my spot is kinda far away and takes about 30-45 min of a walk through THICK woods to get to em and bringing them back and forth would be a big hassle to do everyday..but if hardening them means just so they can take the weather (wind, rain, ect.) could i not just tie them to a stake? i start em usually tied to a stake anyway so that wouldn't be a problem.