Inherited plants, first time grow. QUESTIONS!


Active Member
I'm posting because I'm honestly really unsure of a plant's gender, seeing how just before I started it on 12/12 cycle, it showed female signs. Now, there are little sacs growing where the female reproductive parts were, and still are on the top of the plant. The bottom female parts are browning and dying, but the tops are still growing. ????????(null)[1].jpg(null)[2].jpg (null)[3].jpg



Active Member
I don't see any male parts. However I'm on a tablet so maybe I'm missing something. Just looks like new leaves growing. Can you get a better /more zoomed in picture of the areas you're concerned with ¿


Active Member
IMG_4119.JPG IMG_4120.JPG
I apologize for the focus, but where the branches split if you can tell, there are little sacks growing from where the female part is as well. I'll post more in a day or two I guess.


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Active Member
Yup wait a few days, even in those pictures I don't see anything that makes me think its a male. Trust me. When you see nuts there will be no mistaking it.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Looks like it could use some more N to me......Kinda light colored......Little heat/moisture stress starting....

feed a little more or more often.........water a tad more too...

I would give it some time, a male is very hard to mistake I don't see anything concerning I'm pretty sure you got a nice female on your hands