Inlet fan or a Mini window AC?


Well-Known Member
Which should I get? I figured whats the point of an inlet fan when itll be really hot summer wise outside.. Should I just stick with a mini ac and an exhaust?


Active Member
an intake fan is pretty much useless in the summer, unless you have it bringing in the cool air from a mini ac. definitley get the mini ac


Well-Known Member
Sweet! thanks m8! and how much do the ACs go for though? my room is maybe 10 ftX8 ft and maybe a bit over 7ft in height. its basically a standard sized room i built. I never measured the demensions in a long time though :\


Active Member
For a room of that size, you will probably need a 4000 BTU AC or even 6000. I suggest that you look around some local online trading sources such as kijiji or craigslist in hopes of finding an a/c around $50-100; a lot cheaper than buying a new one in store.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I hear swamp coolers are cheaper to run, BUT it raises the humidity. its pretty dry out here though so I dunno if that would be a better route-Pro:Cheaper to run CON:Humidity increase.

AC:Pro-Not as much humidity, if any
Con-more expensive to run.

what do ya guys think?


Well-Known Member
I just heard about ac's using 3 times more energy than a swamp cooler. I got this 114 dollar swamp cooler, Ima see how it goes