input on nuts please... pics

My plant is around 10 plus weeks and has been flowering for aprox.3 weeks plus.. the past 3 weeks ive been giveing it maxibloom 5-15-14. seems to be doing well with 2 waterings a day n a flush with straight water at night.. i recently bought sum kool bloom 4-45-26.. on the directions it says to give it 3 weeks prior to harvest... when should i start giveing her the potent product??.. i also got a bloom stimulant from my boy that had a price tag of $140.. was told that u use it along with nuts..



Well-Known Member
My plant is around 10 plus weeks and has been flowering for aprox.3 weeks plus.. the past 3 weeks ive been giveing it maxibloom 5-15-14. seems to be doing well with 2 waterings a day n a flush with straight water at night.. i recently bought sum kool bloom 4-45-26.. on the directions it says to give it 3 weeks prior to harvest... when should i start giveing her the potent product??.. i also got a bloom stimulant from my boy that had a price tag of $140.. was told that u use it along with nuts..
I can't argue with the results...that plant looks really good! But why are you watering so much?


Well-Known Member
just becuse it seems to be takeing it kool.. and it get about 95- 110 around here all summer soil drys out quick
Gotcha. That kind of heat will make the plant drink a lot that's for sure. Go easy with those high powered supplements. A little goes a long way.
not sure just got a nice bottle full from a friend.. hes got a gallon of the shit.. it says to give a tsp. with reg nuts every watering


Well-Known Member
start half strength just to see whats up but ay if i were you i would not flush at night. you only flush last 1-2 weeks otherwise you want all the nutes to be locked in the soil.
oh for real .. it says on the maxi bloom n kool bloom to flush daily... but i feel u, what ur sayin makes more sense i just dont want damage the roots with too much nuts. do u think i should hit it wit the koolbloom(2-45-26) or wait a week or so


Well-Known Member
ive never used kool bloom so i wouldnt know. i use tiger bloom and use everyday (2 teaspoons) if you scale it down, you can use every watering. and ay if you see nute burn (brown leaf edges), than back off a little .
Damn i use dat kool bloom 2-45-26 1/4 tea. How its directed last night n woke up this a.m. N every single leaf was layin flat..... Potent shit... Flushed it with bout 5 gallons of water..... An hr. Later every leaf was as perkey as a set of fake titys... I was trippin