Inside and Out

Hi To All

I broke down and decided to share - this is a new adventure for me as well...

My seeds came and I read and read and asked questions from family and friends, the thought to myself, "Let's try this for once to see what happens".

I planted 2 Raspberry Cough and 1 BlackJack - didn't want to germinate like everyone else suggests (I have grown outdoors since 1973) so I do have experience, this is an EXPERIMENT!

I just plopped the seeds into the Soiltabs that came with my seed order, placed them into my 5 gal buckets, made sure water was high enough to cover 1/2 way up, and left light on 18 hours. Ths water would make my Soiltabs "lean" somewhat, so I filled a nylon sack with washed gravel and used that to prop my babies straight up. I only need 3 plants at any one time, so with my 400 watt, spare bathtub, understanding wife, this is my start...
OK, 1 week is how long it took for the starters to appear to what you see...

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I have 15 years behind me growing outdoors in Arizona and the problems associated with this heat - but threw 1 outside just because I can and also to compare with... my experiment!


Root growth - 2nd week...


2nd week growth...



Just shy of 1 month - they have virtually turned into shrubs with very little vertical growth.

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and of coarse, how is my outside experiment doing (since we just had 114 degree day)?

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Well-Known Member
how come u used that nylon thing? people usually use hydroton for that. works good, but so did ur nylon haha