Inside Scoop on Budfactor X


BUD FACTR X----I think not, just give them aspirin water!

We've all heard that advice from doctors. And moms have been dispensing this all-purpose cure-all to their families as a standard way of providing relief from headaches, muscle aches and joint pain.
Then it should be no surprise to learn how an important aspirin ingredient--salicylic acid--is being used as an Earth-friendly first aid for warding off plant diseases. (and increasing plant immune system-sound familiar?)
Martha McBurney, the master gardener in charge of the demonstration vegetable garden at the University of Rhode Island. In the summer of 2005 tested aspirin water on tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, basil and other plants after reading about it in a gardening publication
"What caught my eye in the article was it said that aspirin is an activator of (SAR) Systemic Acquired Resistance, and that plants, when under stress, naturally produce salicylic acid, but not fast enough and in sufficient quantities to really help them out in time.

But if you give them aspirin, it helps boost their immune system, kind of like feeding people echinacea so they don't get a cold.
Scientists at the University of Arizona and with the U.S. Department of Agriculture
are studying how salicylic acid prods plants into releasing their natural defenses (resins and oils) against harmful fungi, bacteria and viruses. According to an article by Dean Fosdick of the Associated Press, "They envision it as a commercially viable alternative to synthetic pesticides in a natural way to extend the life of susceptible yet popular crops."
See some research for yourself: