insight requested- pro mix-


Active Member
Pro Mix. Who uses it outdoors and what's your recipe. Long story short, relocated and this is all I can get my hands thats even close to quality. In a bit of a pinch, cant order it online as I live in a very small town with ALOT of NOSEY neighbors. Any and all recipes would be greatly appreciated. Lots on here, lots of threads on exactly this, however most of them are old, months if not years, figured someone had a new and improved one they could share with me. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
What I used this year to fill 21 3.5 gallons buckets, and still had some leftover.

3 bags of Pro-Mix Organic
6 bags of Premier Top soil
1 Bag of Premier Shrimp Compost
3 Bag of 3-1 Mix manure-loam-peat moss (all Organic)
1 Bag Pertile (Miracle Grow)
1 Bag of Peat Moss (Miracle Grow)
1 Cup Bone Meal
1 Cup Blood Meal
1/2 Cup of Dolomite Lime

Premier makes pro-mix im pretty sure. Didn't like to use the Miracle Grow buts its what I got for cheap.
Hope that helps


Active Member
sounds like a possibility. i have all that except top soil which I could easily aquire. surely others out there with a recipe using pro mix. come on speak up. please


Active Member
This mix will work well for 5-7 gal pots. You can set and forget this mix until flower time. Then top dress with Indonesian guano and more kelp.

3 parts Canadian sphagnum peat mix, coco coir or Pro-Mix
1 part large chunky perlite
1 part worm castings
1/2 cup greensand
1/2 cup of dolomite lime
1/3 cup of Peruvian seabird guano
1/4 cup Epsom salts
1 cup kelp meal


Active Member
This mix will work well for 5-7 gal pots. You can set and forget this mix until flower time. Then top dress with Indonesian guano and more kelp.

3 parts Canadian sphagnum peat mix, coco coir or Pro-Mix
1 part large chunky perlite
1 part worm castings
1/2 cup greensand
1/2 cup of dolomite lime
1/3 cup of Peruvian seabird guano
1/4 cup Epsom salts
1 cup kelp meal

By part do you mean for instance. If I use 3 5 gal buckets of pro mix then I would need 1 5 gal bucket of castings for them 3 buckets of pro mix?


for my base soil I mixed 2parts pro mix-1 part Mushroom compost - 1/2 part earthworm castings. have never seen my clones respond so quick!


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of pro-mix. Probably the only soil I will ever use except for sunshine mix (very similar products). Takes well to any sort of nutrient regimen. I add a small amount of pelletized lime and some time released nute. Las year was fox farm peace of mind but going to try their american pride this year. Since botanicare was nice enough to send me a bunch of samples a few months back I guess I'll be using their pure blend pro line again this year to liquid feed when necessary. Hopefully the hand feedings will be few and far between.


Active Member
ok sounds good. this is what im going to use hopefully it works out for me.

Pro Mix
Dr earth Organic 7
Powdered Lime
And on the bottom of hole Im going to throw in some nice fermented turkey poo from a local turkey farmer who has mountains of it.
Im still going to use my fox farm ferts as well. (always used it and had good results)

how would you guys mix these ingredients together. *Meaning how of much what*


Well-Known Member
if you have turkey shit. just dig a hole 3x3 and start puting in promix 6 inchs the turkey shit about a inch then native soil about 3 inchs and then turkey shit a inch and repeat. tell you get to the last foot then us all promix. and throw in alot of bone meal in the bottom. layers you will grow a huge plant. and dont forget the lime. i would top dress with turkey shit mid june. and then start feeding some flowering firtlizers.


Active Member
how much bone meal would one suggest in a hole. See I already have my holes dug. I just ran into a soil problem completely out of the blue. I have everything else needed as this isnt my first rodeo. The soil I normally use is no longer at my disposal as the local hardware store closed its door due some sort of family/health problem?? everything is about a foot tall and im really starting to panic a bit. Normally for bone meal i would add 2-3 tbls into my own mixture but since this all happened and pro mix is my only option other than the normal lower quality soils. Never used this stuff before so bare with me please guys.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to be using fox farms line-up anyway, all that other stuff isn't even really necessary. It's nice, but I wouldn't fret over it. Just use what you have. I never used bone meal or blood meal so I have no idea, but my fear was that it would attract animals. I wouldn't even bother with perlite.


Well-Known Member
i use a boat load of bone meal. no blood tho. it gets used up to fast. and nothing left at flower so i use alpha meal. i notice a big dif in yeild with bone meal. evry yr i add it my yeild keeps getting bigger. so i add alot. never had a aniaml prod