Interesting NY Times article about Conservative Hypocrisy...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The TEA party still has you guys shitting your pants? The TEA party is the best thing to happen to American politics in 50 years as it forced the Republicans back toward the main thing it is supposed to support, fiscal responsibility. The Democrats need their own TEA party style movement but as far as I can tell, there is no appetite on the left for anything except cheese.


Well-Known Member
The TEA party still has you guys shitting your pants? The TEA party is the best thing to happen to American politics in 50 years as it forced the Republicans back toward the main thing it is supposed to support, fiscal responsibility. The Democrats need their own TEA party style movement but as far as I can tell, there is no appetite on the left for anything except cheese.

Yea, a bunch of retired people sitting in lawn chairs in parks holding up misspelled signs scares the hell out of me.


New Member
This is a pretty good example on why a libertarian supporting the GOP is a fool, not a hypocrite, but a fool to believe conservatives are libertarians.


Undercover Mod
Yeah I call BULLSHIT on the Teaparty being good for thi country in any way. They are antiprogressive and downright regressive. They are pushing agendas that are idiotic and agianst their own interests. The majority of them are fools.


Undercover Mod
They are all the baby boomer that grew up when America was leading the wolrd in manufacturing after the wrold was destroyed by WW2. We were on the top, but after the development of technologies in manufacturing and the last recession the manufacturers cut their biggest expense labor to increase profits. They don't need us anymore and thats why wages are stagnant. IF they wanted to get us out of this recession they would increase wages.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yeah I call BULLSHIT on the Teaparty being good for thi country in any way. They are antiprogressive and downright regressive. They are pushing agendas that are idiotic and agianst their own interests. The majority of them are fools.
yes.. counter-revolutionary thought must be discouraged. speaking words which offend socialist ideology should get those bastards sent off to siberia comrade!

We must eliminate all Reactionary thought! let us all embrace the wisdom of marx engles stalin and lenin!

why do old people on lawn chairs holding up misspelled signs cause so many leftists to freak out and so many neo-cons to try and snuggle in close? because their signs might have bad grammar but they have good ideas.

our constitution has been torn to pieces not by "progressives" or "regressives" but by the big money interests BOTH SIDES serve and the federal reserve and IRS that pulls the strings.


Undercover Mod
I believe in removing unemloyment benefits, severely limiting Food Stamps. I believe some sectors should be deregulated not unregulated. I believe the minimum wage should be raised and I believe tax benefits should be given to any any business that has less than 50 employees.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'm actually a Conservative, sorry comrade! lol
no, youre not.

a conservative believes in preserving the status quo, your statements embrace the "change for change's sake" mantras of blind progressivism, which has neither thought, philosophy or ideology at it's core. it is simply leftist jingoism instead of neo-con claptrap.


Undercover Mod
Status Quo is for every white American who is afraid to step foot outisde their car and walk down the street because everyone is out to get him and what hes got. Embrace the future its coming whether or not you want it to. Adapt or die learn from the past.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I believe in removing unemloyment benefits, severely limiting Food Stamps. I believe some sectors should be deregulated not unregulated. I believe the minimum wage should be raised and I believe tax benefits should be given to any any business that has less than 50 employees.
unemployment benefits are paid through employers' contributions to a state insurance pool, not tax funds (until obama extended it by fiat regardless of state's ability to pay the new mandated term)

food stamps are a piddling tiny dribble of the huge wasteful spending from the federal and state governments. you cant carry water in a bucket with no bottom, even if you shove a toothpick in the tiny crack by the handle.

de-regulation is removing regulations resulting in UN-REGULATION. de-regulationj (elimination of all regulation) is what put california into rolling blackouts. reducing regulations in some areas would be useful though

the minimum wage is a fools gambit. what should the minimum wage be? 10 million dollars a year? brilliant. welcome to the wiemar republic.

tax benefits dont exist, only preferential tax rates, and those are fundamentally unconstitutional, and counterproductive. taxes should be laid fairly, and without prejudice based on sector, size, political contributions or the color of the owner's skins.


Undercover Mod
minimum wage should be a living wage, which is around ten dollars an hour. stagnant wages is a major problem in the U.S................... I think we as a nation should severly limit personal credit as it is the main source of redistribution of wealth from common folks to the top banks.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Status Quo is for every white American who is afraid to step foot outisde their car and walk down the street because everyone is out to get him and what hes got. Embrace the future its coming whether or not you want it to. Adapt or die learn from the past.
more leftist doggerel.

when a thinking person rejects an idea it is not due to fear, terror or Fill_In_The_ Blank-O-Phobia, nor is thought, contemplation or rejection of ideology a racial characteristic.

READ MY WORDS not your interpretation of what you attribute to my thoughts.

your words could just as easily come from any dipshit on MSNBC. stop Leaning Forward, and think about the consequences of the ideas you propose.

raising the federal minimum wage from $5.25 to say... $8 would do NOTHING for poor folks, absolutely nothing. it would raise prices on everything though. and thats a fact. in california the minimum wage is already far hifgher than the federal minimum, and yet california has more unemployment than most other states, and poor folks (like myself) have to scratch by on next to nothing after paying the exorbitant expenses caused by the hiked minimum wage. every time the minimum wage is raised, those making the minimum feel richer for a few weeks, then go right back to the edge of desperation, or living with their mommas. if you make a few bucks more than minimum wage, you get a pay cut. the only way to raise the minimum wage without raisding prices would be price caps and market restrictions. nice job, new greater depression.

change for change's sake is a trap that leads to anarchy.