interesting weed facts


Well-Known Member
Cannabis CAN cause Psychotic problems with long term use.

This is usually seen with Cannabis users who started smoking it at an early age, as their brains develop.


Well-Known Member
I take it 12 is an early age to start? :P
16 is an early age, 18 is an early age, 21 is still pushing it a little 'cause that is when your body stops growing.. Not sure if that's when your brain "stops growing."

It surprises me how many kids and teenagers think it's fine to smoke weed all day every day..

That shit will come back and effect them..

Hell i've got stoner buddies who've been smoking the ganja the same amount of time as me (i'm 19, started casual toking at about 13/14) who have Extreme OCDs and Sever depression.

Now I cannot prove that cannabis is related to that, but if you look at it in general, a lot of adults who smoked cannabis in their early teens (proper toking, every day, 365 days a year) often share the same traits.
You know, ocd, depression, some even skitz out..


New Member
Cannabis CAN cause Psychotic problems with long term use.

This is usually seen with Cannabis users who started smoking it at an early age, as their brains develop.
Yeah, if used daily, and most of it is caused from the social stigma of it. There is no proof of weed doing direct damage to the brain. The kids who get harmed mentally from it are mentally weak to begin with. They would have problems as they grew into adult hood anyway... and if they didn't smoke, they would do something else.. Like drink. But OH drinking is perfectly acceptable with the majority of the youth.

I just don't see how you could post something like that without backing it up in favor of weed in some way. Anything can cause psychotic problems if abused.


Well-Known Member
First time I ever smoke was when I was twelve... My ol' lady's first time ever getting high was when she was two. (Her stepdad blew it in her face for like, 30 minutes.) I guess the only real pychotic problem I have is I'm a HUGE neatfreak. (Not that strange for a normal person, but I'm a 19 year old guy. Everyone I know my age is a slob) I consider that a blessing though. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if used daily, and most of it is caused from the social stigma of it. There is no proof of weed doing direct damage to the brain. The kids who get harmed mentally from it are mentally weak to begin with. They would have problems as they grew into adult hood anyway... and if they didn't smoke, they would do something else.. Like drink. But OH drinking is perfectly acceptable with the majority of the youth.

I just don't see how you could post something like that without backing it up in favor of weed in some way. Anything can cause psychotic problems if abused.
But you do agree that cannabis can, and often does increase the virility of psychosis in younger users?

I'm not sure about the "They always had problems anyway" stance, simply because it's so hard to judge what ANYONE would class as "a mental problem"

Also, if they didn't smoke they would do something else?

I disagree partially as many mentally unstable people I have come into contact keep themselves away from alcohol or drugs, but that's not to say there are cases where they do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if used daily, and most of it is caused from the social stigma of it. There is no proof of weed doing direct damage to the brain. The kids who get harmed mentally from it are mentally weak to begin with. They would have problems as they grew into adult hood anyway... and if they didn't smoke, they would do something else.. Like drink. But OH drinking is perfectly acceptable with the majority of the youth.

I just don't see how you could post something like that without backing it up in favor of weed in some way. Anything can cause psychotic problems if abused.

Dude, were talkin about funfacts here, not full out debates. Lighten up.

Fact: Marijuana works by cannabanoids intercepting brain signals.
I'm pretty sure that will mess you up in the long run, the reefer subculture (Or at least me) feel this is a price I'm willin to pay.


Well-Known Member
First time I ever smoke was when I was twelve... My ol' lady's first time ever getting high was when she was two. (Her stepdad blew it in her face for like, 30 minutes.) I guess the only real pychotic problem I have is I'm a HUGE neatfreak. (Not that strange for a normal person, but I'm a 19 year old guy. Everyone I know my age is a slob) I consider that a blessing though. :)
That could be signs of an OCD.

Does it irritate you when you just cleaned and something is put out of place?

I mean, something that you shouldn't really care about being there?


New Member
I smoked regularly since age 14 .. and don't get me wrong .. I have gone through the depression/anxiety... blaaah blahhh .. But I also realize I was always messed up in the head.. my whole life... if anything, the weed helped me by realizing that. The sooner you understand and work out your problems, the sooner they leave your mind to peace. You can do with while smoking... Smoking can even HELP .. The problem is kids are hung up on the fact that the 'stoners' are kinda a social group. They are afraid of losing the friends they've made through smoking... among other things .... My point is, it's way more complex than just 'weed can make you a nutjob'


New Member
Dude, were talkin about funfacts here, not full out debates. Lighten up.

Fact: Marijuana works by cannabanoids intercepting brain signals.
I'm pretty sure that will mess you up in the long run, the reefer subculture (Or at least me) feel this is a price I'm willin to pay.

Exactly .. So I don't know why Arrid posted a fact like he did if this was supposed to be fun.


Well-Known Member
No, nothing really has a place where it HAS to be, but if I have a friend over and they just leave shit layin around (leaving dishes on the coffee table for extended periods of time, or even when they leave) it gets under my skin. Put that shit in the sink.


Well-Known Member
I found this lot on a site, hope this is more "fun" than my previous posts. ;)

  1. Cannabis and hemp are the same. "Marijuana" was the Mexican name given to cannabis.
  2. Cannabis was first cultivated in China around 4000 B.C.
  3. The original drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written ion hemp paper.
  4. One acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres of trees.
  5. Hemp is a source of fiber for cloth and cordage for rope. The hemp fiber is located inside the long stem of the plant.
  6. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. Washington, our first president, declared, "Make the most of the hemp seed. Sow it everywhere."
  7. Hemp seed is nature's perfect food. The oil from hemp seeds has the highest percentage of essential fatty acidsand the lowest percentage of saturated fats.
  8. Sterilized hemp seed is commonly used as bird seed.
  9. Rolling papers, like Bambu, are made from hemp paper.
  10. In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Stamp prohibited the use, sale and cultivation of hemp/marijuana in the United States.
  11. Five years later, during World War II, The U.S. Department of Agriculture released the film, "Hemp For Victory," which encouraged American farmers to grow hemp for the war effort.
  12. Hemp is cultivated all over the world. Today, China, Korea, Italy, Hungary, Russia and France are among the countries that grow hemp for fiber, paper and other products.
  13. Cannabis is classified as a schedule 1 drug by the Food and Drug Administration. Designated as a narcotic, it cannot be prescribed by physicians to patients.
  14. In 1989, the DEA's own administrative law judge concluded that "marijuana is one of the safest, therapeutically active substances known to man."
  15. Cannabis can be used as a medicine to treat nausea, pain and muscle spasms. It alleviates symptoms of glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, migraines and other debilitating ailments.
  16. Thirty-five states have passed legislation permitting medical use of marijuana.
  17. Twelve Americans recieve prescribed marijuana from the U.S. government.
  18. More than 400,000 Americans are arrested each year on marijuana charges.
  19. More than 400,000 Americans die from diseases related to cigarette smoking each year.
    More than 150,000 Americans die of alcohol abuse each year.
    But in more than 10,000 years of usage, no one has ever died from marijuana