Interuppting dark time during flowering


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to start this thread to see what people think

Im sure that we have all come across somewhere where weve heard that interrupting the dark period during early flowering for 1 hour with light, will influence more females.

What do you guys think? is sex already determined at that point and this is just a myth? Has anyone tried this, and have any data from it?

another post was started regarding the 24 hr lighting on seedlings influencing sex. this is an interesting and gray topic, i want to get some opinons


Well-Known Member
ive seen a couple people mention it on this post and in an older (1986) growing book, they mentioned that under their "yield increasing methods". so my thoughts are that it is just a myth.

i am curious tho if someone actually tried it, as to what actually did happen , if anything.


Well-Known Member
There are varying opinions.

I tend to not interrupt the night time cycle for more than 5 minute if totally necessary. The grow room is equipped with low intensity green LED lighting, but even that isn't enough to ensure that the plants' long exposure to it aren't going to interrupt the photo period.

On the other hand I have also had entire crops herm up which can only be attributed to heat or too many interruptions to the photo period [otherwise they may have arrived as clones that way from the supplier].

Ulimately, its better not to interrupt at all costs imo.


Well-Known Member
i agree with you h.g.

with what i know about herms, i feel that you are correct in thats the most likey thing to happen.

i dont think i would give this a shot utnil i gathered more opinons from others


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, light poisoning during dark periods increases the chances of hermaphrodites not females. Though I think the light would have to be relatively bright (brighter than the full moon) and last more than a few consecutive nights (again - the moon is near full and bright for about 3-5 nights every month).


Well-Known Member
I agree with the interrupted dark period being more likely to result in a hermie, at least thats what im blaming the 2 hermies that we just pulled out of the garden recently on.


Well-Known Member
This may sound dumb but can you smoke a hermie? (and get off?)
I dont think it's dumb, as a matter of fact, I need to know lol I just found out I'm a proud parent of a hermie, pissed me right off, but its my only plant, so I hoped aside from seeds the buds were still going to be okay. God I hope so. I didn't think I interrupted too much, but my plant had alot of stress growing up. Hey, at least it didn't go into porn. :)


Well-Known Member
i dont really know if you can get high or not off a hermie, thats a good ?

most times when i hear of them, they are removed from the garden and used for hash.

i also think a reason that no one really messes with them is the threat of pollen from the male branches to other plants in the garden


Well-Known Member
Its better to remove the herms if you dont want your other plants seedy, but if the herm is your only plant ya might as well finish it and smoke it, the buds should still be ok, just seedy. :)


Active Member
This may sound dumb but can you smoke a hermie? (and get off?)
true mate but its lung busting shit.

as for light in g/rm for hr in2 flower ,myth but if you want more females from regular seeds then try this;

1.put seeds in2 a high nitrogen soil (bio.bizz allmix)
2.wait till 4th shoot appears then put seeds under a MH or blue spec CFL
3.feed a low amount of bio-grow (although soil has high level of nitrogen)
4.put on a 16/8 cycle (less light helps produce more females)
5.i guarantee you'll produce more females