
Well-Known Member
150+ although it depends on the formation and or usability of such intelligence such as fluid and or crystallized intelligence...


Well-Known Member
  • Over 140 - Genius or near genius
  • 120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
  • 110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
  • 90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence
  • 80 - 89 - Dullness
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency
  • Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

Its is a stupid scale if you ask me... because it is a ratio of your [current intelligence/"Brain age"] . That means as einstein got older his IQ dropped

I got a 134 when my college was doing them. Its all just being able to see patterns and math in your head. you get no pen or pencil

*The highest IQ ever recorded was by Marilyn vos Savant with 228

Einstein never took an IQ test (they are a fairly recent development) so no one knows what his IQ is. But the fact that he was brilliant in some fields doesn't mean he would have had a high IQ. There are people, called 'idiot savants' who are incredibly brilliant in one field, but hopeless at other things. For some reason, mathematics is often the field of special intensity - they can calculate numbers in their heads that you or I would have trouble entering into a computer, and solve them faster than the computer. They can tell you what day of the week any date in history was, or project it forward into the future. But they may not be able to figure out how to get across town on a bus. So IQ, no matter how high it is, doesn't always indicate brilliance. And your personal IQ can and does vary over your lifetime, so it isn't a set number.
It is used as a guide, however. IQs of under 80 are generally deemed to need assisted living conditions, those with IQs over 135 are MENSA level. These are people who sit around and do math problems for fun and find sudoko and crosswords much too easy.
Some people with high IQs are not especially socially adept, because they can't undestand how other people (with lower IQs) have such trouble understanding things that come naturally to the. Others with high IQs are wonderful, kind and caring people. So there aren't really any generalizations you can make about people with high or low IQs.

* stole from internet^^^


Well-Known Member
^^^ actually.... all of our individual intelligence decreases, including einstein's... due to aging, relative to a testable quotient...

because as we get older, not one person can NEVER keep up with the collective advancement in technology and or collective knowledge in its entirety...

the learning curves are slowly climbing for us as we age... as opposed to the exponential increase of intelligence as a whole across the globe...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
provided a person is not a total dolt, creativity is more useful for everyday life situations than the "intellect" we currently measure. the ability to envision that which does not currently exist is undervalued imo.

there is no current standard for measuring creativity, but if there were, it would likely be calculated into the total iq, or at least it ought to be in my opinion. to me, creativity is the difference between smart and brilliant.


Well-Known Member
that is what intellect is ... To me physicist are far more creative then artists.
physicist have to venture into the unknown with thought and with creativity piece together links between abstract thoughts.

In general higher intellect is related to creativity, being able to see deeper meanings in things that others brush away.

Also artists just recreate what has been done before. Oh i painted this way to get that picasso feel. You can not say hey i made this theory its kinda like Einsteins relativity.

Not bashing artist they have skills i will never have but i challenge the creativity part.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
that is what intellect is ... To me physicist are far more creative then artists.
physicist have to venture into the unknown with thought and with creativity piece together links between abstract thoughts.

In general higher intellect is related to creativity, being able to see deeper meanings in things that others brush away.

Also artists just recreate what has been done before. Oh i painted this way to get that picasso feel. You can not say hey i made this theory its kinda like Einsteins relativity.

Not bashing artist they have skills i will never have but i challenge the creativity part.
...Hi Ryan, with all due respect :) I'll accept your challenge on the creativity part. Though physicists do 'draw' from abstract notions that are theoretical, they are working on making more 'material' in most cases.

imo, an artist must draw (from) emotion (or, energetic motion) which is really hard to pin down. I think that artists get the ball rolling and science makes things from their 'quarkiness'. I know for myself personally, I do not like to make what has been made before - feels like cheating :)

Either way though, I'm willing to bet cave drawings and the invention of the wheel were synchronistic events.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
People Still Alive



Well-Known Member
...Hi Ryan, with all due respect :) I'll accept your challenge on the creativity part. Though physicists do 'draw' from abstract notions that are theoretical, they are working on making more 'material' in most cases.

imo, an artist must draw (from) emotion (or, energetic motion) which is really hard to pin down. I think that artists get the ball rolling and science makes things from their 'quarkiness'. I know for myself personally, I do not like to make what has been made before - feels like cheating :)

Either way though, I'm willing to bet cave drawings and the invention of the wheel were synchronistic events.

But you give no credit to the first cave man creative enough to see this pigments wipes off and start drawing with it. <<:hump:


Total Head

Well-Known Member
that is what intellect is ... To me physicist are far more creative then artists.
physicist have to venture into the unknown with thought and with creativity piece together links between abstract thoughts.

In general higher intellect is related to creativity, being able to see deeper meanings in things that others brush away.

Also artists just recreate what has been done before. Oh i painted this way to get that picasso feel. You can not say hey i made this theory its kinda like Einsteins relativity.

Not bashing artist they have skills i will never have but i challenge the creativity part.
quick story:

the other day i was reading about the difficulty of recycling styrofoam cups and whatnot, and i happened upon the info that the foam packing peanuts are routinely reused without being washed. people just drop 'em off when they're done and they get reused. it occurred to me that these packing peanuts would make a fantastic delivery system for a topical biological attack. just spray the stuff on the peanuts and whoever touches them dies. easy distribution and no one washes those things. perfect.

so i would say that "intellect" is the ability to understand the relationship between things that are related, like shapes, colors, time, and space. "creativity" is the ability to understand relationships between things that are NOT related, such as packing peanuts and biological warfare. (not the world's greatest example but i think it illustrates my point.)

two seperate concepts, although i do submit that someone with a high iq is more likely to posses creativity than a dullard. it is also entirely possible to be a total moron who is highly creative, but equating the concept of creativity to the way an artist draws a brush across a canvas is leaving out a big chunk of the picture.