Iranian Short Season... Resource Thread ...


Well-Known Member
This past summer we grew among other strains 30 Iranian Short Season. We were very much impressed with this plant, so much in fact next year we will be shooting for a 1000 plus Iranian Short Season grow.

Ninety days from seed to harvest is perfect. Harvest the beginning of August before the choppers and rippers are out. We lost a field to rippers this past summer, and we were not happy campers.

I am wanting to learn as much about this strain as possible. The first 10 ISS were vegged inside under 1000w and put outside after 28 days. These ones didn't grow too big as we learned after the fact, as soon as you put the plant outside after being vegged inside they go right into flowering. The 20 outside did very well growing to about three feet tall.

A thousand seeds is a big investment of money and time, so I have started this thread in hopes of everyone who has grown the Iranian Short Season, to chime in and add their knowledge and experience with this plant.

In my research of this plant, I gather there are two schools of thought for how to grow. The first school of thought is to start indoors and grow them to 18 inches and then place them outside for the duration of their growth cycle. The second school of thought is to start them outside as soon after the threat of frost is gone.

I have also read that Iranian Short Season can be vegged for extended periods of time under 24 hours of light. If this is so, can these be kept inside and grown them for a longer period of time and then placed outside for the 6 weeks these require to flower to increase the yield and increase the total growth cycle to say 120 days. In essence starting them inside a month earlier than they would be started outside thus getting an extra 30 days of vegging and still finish the beginning of August as if they were put outside in the beginning of May?

What have people used at all for nutrients with these plants as I understand from my reading they are very nute sensitive.

Please add to this thread by asking your own questions and posting up pictures of your Iranian Short season Grow.

This is one amazing plant !!!

Thanks and looking forward to all the sharing of information.

Happy Growing !!!


Well-Known Member
The Iranian is in a league of its own. I tried pretty much every auto out there and was overall pretty disappointed but the Iraninan makes the other autos I tried look like dwarfs and is as potent as anything money can buy. I have done it for two years in a row now and harvested successive crops in July and August


Well-Known Member
Any pics to share?? I keep hearing how good this strain is supposed to be for outdoors, has anyone got any pic's of it flowering outdoors or anything!? I want a good/reliable outdoor strain for a UK grow.


Well-Known Member
Any pics to share?? I keep hearing how good this strain is supposed to be for outdoors, has anyone got any pic's of it flowering outdoors or anything!? I want a good/reliable outdoor strain for a UK grow.
yeah, there's some good ones in the outdoor growing section, I even downloaded some of them.


Well-Known Member
Check out SodaLites grow from last year...

well i've been meaning to post these pics for awile now. these are pics from 5 of 7 iranians i took down in early july about the first. i can't say enough good about these plants. they will have a place in my garden next year and so will their crosses. the buds all turned out nice, dense, fruity, just good ass smoke. i had lots of doubters saying they were not grown outdoor that big and early. the smoke is powerfull, forget what your doing, eat alot, feel as if your tripping at times buzz. even for the folks who smoke alot. i realy can't express how much i enjoyed these plants. sorry it's taken me months to do a final report things have been busy in my neck of the woods. these are by far not the biggst plants i grew (growing) this year but they were the true standouts of the croud. they were just differant for a change. everyone i smoked out loved it, and i took it to many shows and puffed with lots of folks. 7 plants gave us just about 35 ozs-one only had about 2-3 the biggest had easily 8-9 it was also 4 foot a freak one for these i assume. the last 4 i had i just took down a few days ago they did well also but are not dry as of yet.

The GanjaPapa has the COOLEST autoflower mix strain grow on Youtube.
Hes growing the Iranian Auto.
Yall got to check him out.............

I am growing Dr greenthumbs IAF here in scandinavia at 65th lattitude.

I started them outdoors at the 9th of may and they are now 70 days old.

Still no signs of flowering.

I read somewhere they are supposed to flower after 6 weeks in outdoors.

Not in here aparently :(

Does anyone know when they will start to flower at this lattitude?


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere they are supposed to flower after 6 weeks in outdoors.Not in here aparently
so far North they must get almost total sunlight all day too much for blooming to initialize. When your daylight dips below 18 hours would be my GUESS.
That'd be by the end of october, a time with daily nightfrost for sure.

Are you saying I'm screwed with this strain now?

My other "ruderalis induced" early-flowerers will show their first pistills during the first week of august in here.

But oke, I see you capped "GUESS"

Thanks for giving it a thought tho.


Well-Known Member
The problem you are having is that the Iranian Autoflower is not an autoflowering plant but a short season plant. Dr. Greenthumb just threw the name auto on it to cash in on the niche market claiming it was the largest yielding auto when in fact it just flowers with a shorter dark period than most strains. Take all of Greenthumbs descriptions with a grain of salt. You might get some good herb but he completely misrepresents what his strains are..
The problem you are having is that the Iranian Autoflower is not an autoflowering plant but a short season plant. Dr. Greenthumb just threw the name auto on it to cash in on the niche market claiming it was the largest yielding auto when in fact it just flowers with a shorter dark period than most strains. Take all of Greenthumbs descriptions with a grain of salt. You might get some good herb but he completely misrepresents what his strains are..

The further up north, the shorter the season right?


Too bad noone knows for sure how it will behave at this lattitude.

Does it mean I will have to be the guinea pig?


Well-Known Member
Yes, but since you are in a short season area it will act as a regular plant. If you are in an area with longer dark periods flowering will be triggered earlier so you can get a fast harvest.
This maybe means I will have to force flower them.

I thought of putting a bag over their heads for the night.

How many nights do you think will I have to cover them like that in order to induce flowering?


Well-Known Member
you'll probably have to do it until the nights are long enough to get them to continue flowering naturally. How long are your nights right now?
Well, I took a look at our local sunrise/sunset table.

Got 19 hours and 40 minutes of light right now. In about 2 weeks this will be 18 hours.

So you reckon they will flower naturally by the first week of august when they get at least 6 hours of dark, just like my other ruderalis based early's?

( an email to the doc about this is pending btw)
Doc said they should have flowered already.

He inquiered about my feedingways but I can't believe it's that. I'm an old, old-school dirtfarmer who knows pretty well how to pull off some organics.
Besides I have them on 3 different spots that are all slightly different.

This will be an interesting riddle to solve.