Iris and Sadie


Well-Known Member
I didn't take any harvest pics, I throw myself upon the mercy of the readers for being a slacker, but who among us hasn't slacked? bongsmilie
Sounds nice, I put ma plants back into a veg cylce when I had White widow growing, regeneration is nice and you can do it for quite some time. Kept a white widow goin for 7 months.
Anyways, I dunno if it counts, but mine auto-snaps pics =). So maybe this is super slacker lol.
Good lookin cookin, some nice strain ya got there.
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
So how many times did you manage to harvest bud off of it?
The way I did it was leave the lower branch buds covered by the top leaves so they wouldn't mature as much. Then when the first harvest came I harvested the top mature buds and then re-vegged them to what they were use to and they grew a lot of foliage within 2-3 weeks. Then I would re-bud them doing the same method sometimes even super cropping in between for more foliage before bloom cycle. Bloom cycle is usually cut in half so all depends on how many bud sites you leave on the plant. In my case I was Able to harvest every 3 weeks, and a fairly good amount of dry bud each time with help from pinching the stems under the bud sites for more yield in between. I don't have an exact amount to share because this is when It was all incognito and didn't know about this site or had a scale. I am more "pimpin" now. But the amount all depends on how long you veg them for in the first place and how many bud sites are on it originally. But I wouldn't go over the 2\3 of bud sites just to be safe cause I wasn't able to re-generate the plant once I took off all the buds and lost my white widow strain that had been keeping me nice and stoney well over the time usually allotted. Good luck miss and keep the journal goin! :clap:
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
Good grief girl, you have sure had a trying season this year. You will certainly be able to look back to 2008 with a lot of mixed memories. I see great grows in your future, with the determination and effort you put forth you will hit the jackpot some day. Count on it.


Well-Known Member
OK CHUCKY HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! YOU HAD TO KILL Them !!! was it nice and slow or just beat the living shit out of them? then cook him?


Well-Known Member
Love the chucky avatar Miss.

You like this one?

Click it, the eyes move.

Was gonna use it myself the other day, its all yours if you wanna use it?



Well-Known Member
Love the chucky avatar Miss.

You like this one?

Click it, the eyes move.

Was gonna use it myself the other day, its all yours if you wanna use it?
Ah ffs forget that it dont move?? it moved when i previewed the post, strange :lol:


New Member
I'm re-vegging under my 6700K daylight bulbs, Haven't seen any signs of anything but it's only been a few days. I figured it couldn't hurt to try.


New Member
I actually want to see how long I can keep Lucinda alive. I like to experiment with things of that sort. It's been cool if I could harvest off her 3 times a year or so. I guess we'll see how it goes.

I put her in a bigger pot yesterday, I think she needed more space.


Well-Known Member
Someone posted in here, MONTHS ago, that their folks had a mother that was something like 15 years old. Can you fucking believe THAT? Now, that's a perennial. Yeah? 8)


Well-Known Member
Someone posted in here, MONTHS ago, that their folks had a mother that was something like 15 years old. Can you fucking believe THAT? Now, that's a perennial. Yeah? 8)
A mate of mine (well not really a mate) has a mother thats about 9 years old now, its a rare landrace pure haze, cant remember the exact name of it tho but it takes up to 24 weeks to finish under 10/14 lighting, it dont respond to 12/12 lol just keeps vegging.

But yea a well looked after mother can be kept almost indefinately on constant 18/6, 24/0 or whatever, it doesnt make it a perennial, its probably never seen a 12/12 light regimine, the plant just thinks its suspended in one long growing season (summer).


Well-Known Member
There is a strain that claims to be the first perennial cannabis strain, it grows, flowers, sets seed, dies back for winter then re-animates the following springtime along with its seedling offspring and starts all over again! Imagine if its true!! Il try and find the link.


Well-Known Member
Are you thinking of the Colombian strain that's supposed to be able to regrow even if it's been cut down to the roots? Maybe not the same thing. My head is racing right now, I.. fuck. I cleaned all my pipes and I'm trying not to sample my girls and I need to just chill. fdd told me I think too much. :lol: :oops:


New Member
Shit I already smoked most of Lucinda. The weed drought here has been going on for about 6 weeks now. Tonight might be "the big night" could score, could crap out, whos to say?