Ironlabs lies

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I put this in the fat purple thread but I wanted to be sure everyone thinking about a membership with ironlabs knows the guy will lie to you. He told mother nature's care club he would pick up samples on tuesdays if they had them. Now 2 times he has denied coming to get my sample from them because they only had one sample and it wasn't worth his time. worth his time? To hold up his end of a deal he made with a member? WTF is that all about. so I dropped it off wed and patiently waited for today to come to see my results. When they didn't pop up this a.m. I called MN and they let me know the guys said he wasn't coming in for one sample. cannalytics is cheaper and won't tell you fairy tales about pick-ups that won't happen. I'm jumping ship on these turds and I appologize to MN they are good guys and friends that got lied to and screwed by the ironlabs rep when they joined. Don't say you will do things you won't and if you're going to cover a whole state don't tell people you can get their samples knowing you wouldn't. I wish I could just not do my job and hold up my end of bargains just because it won't be as profitable as I originally thought.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I can understand them not wanting to come all that way for one sample due to gas prices and cost to pay the driver but tough shit. They should still honor their agreement to pick up their test samples.

Maybe try calling Iron Labs and respectfully tell them how unhappy you are with their service and see if they're will to do anything to keep you as a customer.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I contacted them thru the website; I probably should have waited to calm down first but I didn't. Here is my end. I can now admit that wasn't my most professional email:
Why is it that you can\'t seemto make it to mother nature\'s for my sample? This is the second time theguys tell me you didn\'t come get the sample because it wasn\'t worth yourtime. If I\'m not worth your time then I will not become a member and Iwill take all my other samples to cannalytics from here on out. AT leastthey are up front that I will have to bring my samples to them and don\'t tellme fairy tales about a pick up that won\'t happen.

The response:

Communication is vital. We value all our clients. I have asked *name withheld* tocontact me when he has samples on hand. Not worth our time? That's simply nottrue. However, would you drive 100 miles round trip for nothing?
Why don't you come in. Become a member. And then you can control your ownsamples, results, etc.
My thoughts: you had me up until the 100 mile round trip question and let me tell you all why. Like Huel said; tough shit. I am a self employed personal trainer-I drive 100 miles round trip all the time to meet potential clients that end up doing nothing more than "think about it". it's a business expense and as a customer with a gripe the last thing you should say. I had a client buy a package of in-home sessions at a discounted rate already and then she moved so it was close to 70 miles round trip (about 40 more miles than originally I thought I'd have to travel) I could have probably renegotiated the rate but I did not. I sold a package of in home sessions to her PERIOD my bottom line and profit margins are nobody's business/problem other than my own. I said I would train her in her home at that rate and sold the sessions to her. To me this stuff with ironlabs (and now that the anger clouds are leaving I can say I have HALF the story not 100% of it) would be the equivilent of my just saying you moved-I'm not honoring those sessions. so I guess maybe it's on my boys at MN and they didn't call the guy maybe not nobody including the ironlabs guys said he did not call. I feel if that was the case it would have been stated in the response that he was not contacted about the samples being ready to pick up. At any rate I'm getting over it but I was really REALLY excited to see and share the lab results of the fat purple with everyone but it will have to wait now. I wonder if I started some sort of shitstorm for my buddies at MN.....I should probably call them LOL


Well-Known Member
I understand wanting something and when not delivered getting upset. Let's be fair though, any agreement Iron Labs has, is not with you, but rather MN, like you said, you are not a member. When you personalize it by thinking Iron's decision that picking up one sample, rather than letting samples collect is somehow a slight towards you and your sample like when you said "if I'm not worth your time then I will not become a member", that is a stretch. Their response indicates it is better to become a member to control your own results, especially if samples are sometimes collected based on volume. Sounds also like they don't have a regular route going, maybe so, I don't know.

Obvious that the fat purple has you excited, either way definitely share any test results you get back. The words fat and purple just scream goodness.

Best of luck.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
yeah, I know you're right. I like the guys at mother natures and took it personal for sure. I want them results too, I feel screwed and got to pin it on somebody because I think we can all agree that 13 days (assuming it does happen next week ) is far too long. Somebody has a gram of my bud and 50 bucks and I won't have results for close to two weeks. that's a tough pill to swallow.

Rare D MI

New Member
Iron will lie about picking up a sample, cannalytics will put up any #'s you want if the price is right... Which lie is worse?

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
the one I actually get for 50 bucks I guess; I'm holding my dick here while I'm out 50$ and a gram. Should have just smoked it and wrote up a pie chart myself I guess. 98% da fire! 2% chronic 100% badass purple.
Dear Cory and Trevor,

My name is Jason and I run the Beacon of Light Compassion Center in Bay City. I just happen to stumble upon this post while doing my daily browsing for good information and I must say, this is not a very good read. I have been testing with Iron Labs for well over 6 months and these guys make sure I am taken care of. I couldn't help but notice you saying your test cost you 50 dollars? Because Iron Labs does not charge ANYONE 50 dollars for a test.. So you might wanna check your homeboys at MN for racking you on that part, as far as your gram? It's a gram, not a big loss, so please stop complaining. You're bashing Iron Labs because of a miss communication, even though if I were them, I wouldn't waste my time for one sample for a three hour trip, I would tell you to kick rocks or bring the sample down yourself. I won't allow them to come up unless I have 5 or more to make it worth their while... It's called good business (Please spare your personal rant about being a trainer, I don't really give a shit what you do) Take 2 minutes and think of it from their view... It's a very long drive, costly drive for your one sample that MN has jipped you on because 50 dollars is to much, to send out the guy to come pick it up, and you being so full of yourself you have the audacity to make a degrading post like this.

I like all the guys from Iron Labs, they treat me dam good too, but hey, I don't ask them to drive 3 hours out of their way to lose money either... People aren't in business to lose money, they're in it to make it. At least that's what I learned in business school.

I will personally come get your sample and pay for it to get tested, just so you will shut your mouth.



My name is Howard J Lutz, owner of Iron Labs. I value every caregiver, every sample, and every patient. I value opinions, validation, and client remarks. It is our policy to be inclusive not exclusive. In the last year, I've driven thirty thousand miles cultivating our good name and business. We've completed more than 4,000 samples in that time. The person that originally posted this is not a client. I've never met him. Mother Natures is a client. Drew and his people are wonderful and caring. They are struggling to make it work in the decisive Jackson arena. They communicate with us and we communicate with them. I am a man of my word. Iron Labs is a company that stands for improvement of our industry, community and movement! My cell phone number is visible on our website. I receive calls all day long. I reply to emails instantly, like the one I received by this forum's author. I thank Jason above for his kind support and words. A person that calls me out as a liar on a public forum is an insult that burns me badly. There are two types of individuals that will define the future of our industry in here in Michigan: One will help it fail, the other will help it succeed. I know which side I'm on. And Iron Labs.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I over reacted. absolutely I did and for that I appologize. I actually didn't think the post would hang around more than a few views, I blew off steam from what I felt was getting burned. I still feel burned but I also feel like it wasn't right how I blew my top and posted all the stuff I did. I stated my viewpoint from a state of anger. I hope you can accept my public appology to you and your company Howard. I fucked up, didn't know there was so much power in the crap I put on here.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I over reacted. absolutely I did and for that I appologize. I actually didn't think the post would hang around more than a few views, I blew off steam from what I felt was getting burned. I still feel burned but I also feel like it wasn't right how I blew my top and posted all the stuff I did. I stated my viewpoint from a state of anger. I hope you can accept my public appology to you and your company Howard. I fucked up, didn't know there was so much power in the crap I put on here.
If anyone wants to try to bad mouth you after this they have issues, everyone has their emotions get the best of them at times. Very respectful apology.

Howard, I hope you'll stick around the forums here and contribute beyond this particular post. I am a member at Iron Labs and would like to see someone of your background be active member of these forums. Welcome to the site!


Well-Known Member
My name is Howard J Lutz, owner of Iron Labs. I value every caregiver, every sample, and every patient. I value opinions, validation, and client remarks. It is our policy to be inclusive not exclusive. In the last year, I've driven thirty thousand miles cultivating our good name and business. We've completed more than 4,000 samples in that time. The person that originally posted this is not a client. I've never met him. Mother Natures is a client. Drew and his people are wonderful and caring. They are struggling to make it work in the decisive Jackson arena. They communicate with us and we communicate with them. I am a man of my word. Iron Labs is a company that stands for improvement of our industry, community and movement! My cell phone number is visible on our website. I receive calls all day long. I reply to emails instantly, like the one I received by this forum's author. I thank Jason above for his kind support and words. A person that calls me out as a liar on a public forum is an insult that burns me badly. There are two types of individuals that will define the future of our industry in here in Michigan: One will help it fail, the other will help it succeed. I know which side I'm on. And Iron Labs.
Care to make a statement as to what it actually cost's for someone like my self to join and get testing? So we can get it form the horses mouth?


Active Member
Sorry for my ignorance but what is the purpose of testing? I assume your getting thc and cb % levels tested? What do these numbers do at the end of the day? Help patients find the best meds for their needs is what I assume but how is the price justifiable?


Testing is good for everyone. It levels the playing field for one. If all patients and collectives and dispensaries insist on having all their meds tested, the farmer or caregiver that searches for patients or places to unload overages, no one will take shortcuts to quality products. If a dispensary has moldy meds and still places it on a top shelf because it is high in Delta 9, nobody gains. If our medicinal model is going to continue to gain traction and validation, we should be upholding some kind of standard. In relation to the cost question, I can assure you the price of testing in this state is miniscule compared to other states and relative to what is happening in the general market, down right cheap! When Iron Labs opened, an average test through other existing companies at that time was approximately 40-70 dollars per test. We dramatically brought that down and have maintained that. Iron Labs will never put profits ahead of patients' right to the safest possible non and otherwise alternative psychotropic methods of aiding those who are ill and in need.


New Member
Guess ill be the echo echo echo echo.....

Whats the word iron? Can and do you test for;

spiromesifen aka judo
Bifenazate aka floramite
Mycobutanil aka eagle20
Abamectin aka avid
Imidicloprid aka merrit/marathon
Triazicide aka gamma-cyhalothrin or
Orthene? For starters...

Hmm. I wonder if Iron tests for bifenazate or spiromesifen. Anyone know?
