Is a chamber hit to a bong like a nipple to a breast or what?


Active Member
Sorry if this has been discussed before and sorry to go all ACT on your asses in the title, but watching Wilfred tonight it occurred to me again that no one on tv EVER smokes a bong right. Ever. Every time I see it, I'm like "Clear the chamber! Clear the fucking chamber!" I mean, what the fuck? We can "pretend" to smoke a bong on tv now, but we can't clear the chamber just like we can show a breast as long as we don't show the nipple?

What the fuck is up with that? It's got to be a conscious decision rather than just a matter of ignorance, right? Surely SOMEONE in Hollywood knows how to smoke a bong. So what's the thinking? Joe Six Pack will be okay with filling a chamber with a bong hit, but clearing the chamber...nope, that's too much. I don't get that.


Active Member
Well, sure, but you'd think they would at least strive for realism. I think it has to be a conscious decision to NOT clear the chamber and I can't figure out why.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
I've noticed this too.

I think it's the same reason why you can't say "bong" in headshops. Pretty much becuase they don't want people thinking it's actually weed that gets smoked out of the pipes. I would guess that might be some rule for daytime/primetime tv.."can't show bong being cleared but can show being lit up and smoke exhaled."

Either that or maybe none of the bongs they show on tv even have removeable slides?

EDIT: Also, if they showed them being cleared, the actor's next line's would have to read: "[*COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH] lol


Active Member
I've noticed this too.

I think it's the same reason why you can't say "bong" in headshops. Pretty much becuase they don't want people thinking it's actually weed that gets smoked out of the pipes. I would guess that might be some rule for daytime/primetime tv.."can't show bong being cleared but can show being lit up and smoke exhaled."

Either that or maybe none of the bongs they show on tv even have removeable slides?

EDIT: Also, if they showed them being cleared, the actor's next line's would have to read: "[*COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH] lol
Good point about the coughing. LOL. But the thing is the FCC does not regulate cable television networks. This is why you will never see a bong on broadcast television (CBS, NBC, Fox, etc.) but it's not at all uncommon on cable networks like FX, MTV, etc. Cable networks are self-regulated, not governed by the FCC, so this is a decision they have made. I can only assume, then, that they either think their audience couldn't handle seeing a chamber cleared, which seems odd, or they fear the FCC will take notice and want to regulate them if they see a chamber cleared, which seems more likely.


Well-Known Member
its never real pot so its fucking fake either way....unless its snoop
how wrong you are.

personally know of more than one movie set where the pot being smoked is 100% REAL and the actors are 100% REALLY STONED. no names. part of that pesky non-disclosure b/s i get to sign... but yeah. worked in more than one set and seen them smoke... FOR REALZ...