Is any of this true?


Well-Known Member
Bongs dont get you as high, because
water filters out some of the cannabinoids

Pipes get you the highest because it is just weed and it is heated by the flame on the lighter which releases
more smoke.

Blunts get you the highest because of
amount of bud you put in it, and
because of the time spent smoking it.

Joints get you the highest because the
paper used to roll joints has to be hot enough
to burn cigarette tobacco

Vaporizers get you the highest because your smoking pure cannabis vapors with all the different cannabinoids being able to be burned off.

im not saying i believe any of this..

im more of a blunt,bong,pipe,joint person..
i really dont smoke to get super stoned any way.


Well-Known Member
Never heard that one.
saw it in hightimes once.

Contrary to popular impression, waterpipes don't necessarily protect smokers from harmful tars in marijuana smoke, according to a new study sponsored by MAPS and California NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws). The reason is that waterpipes filter out more psychoactive THC than they do other tars, thereby requiring users to smoke more to reach their desired effect. The study does not rule out the possibility that waterpipes could have other benefits, such as filtering out gases, but it suggests that other methods, such as the use of high potency marijuana, vaporizers, or oral ingestion are needed to avoid harmful toxins in marijuana smoke. .. thats the whole thing.

but i swear bong hits get me higher.. i just like blunts the most cuz i can sit back while smoking.

drew k.420

Active Member
bong water filters out tar,not vapors,so your just inhaleing less cancer cuasing agents,a pipe filters out nothing so your lungs become in essence,bong water,ive seen my bong water and no way i want that in my lungs,but if you want to inhale pure thc vapors and no cancer causing agents the n the vapor-izer is the way to heres a summary......pipe and joint and blunt=full on cancer.....bong=same as pipe without TAR......vaporizer=pure THC no cancer at all,,,ever.


Well-Known Member
Watched "Mansers" on Spike TV last week, and they did a story on this.

Vaporizers give you the most, Bongs are second, with joints giving you the least bang for your bud.

drew k.420

Active Member
saw it in hightimes once. .. thats the whole thing.

but i swear bong hits get me higher.. i just like blunts the most cuz i can sit back while smoking.
bong water filters out tar,not vapors,so your just inhaleing less cancer cuasing agents,a pipe filters out nothing so your lungs become in essence,bong water,ive seen my bong water and no way i want that in my lungs,but if you want to inhale pure thc vapors and no cancer causing agents the n the vapor-izer is the way to heres a summary......pipe and joint and blunt=full on cancer.....bong=same as pipe without TAR......vaporizer=pure THC no cancer at all,,,ever.
can you explain what you mean id dont get this quote


all i know is i used bongs mostly and just about every other way of smoking, but mainly bongs. Id be outta weed 20 times over if i always used a pipe. bongs get you higher cuz its a large chamber of smoke that you inhale all at once, Plus with a bong its easier to keep the bud pushed down so alot of air doesn't get through

drew k.420

Active Member
wrong a tard....explain "think about smoking abong and there a question or ansew confused


Well-Known Member
wrong a tard....explain "think about smoking abong and there a question or ansew confused
a bong is a big hit of compressed weed ur taking in more soke and less air.. joints are smaller hits of air and weed which is why u can take big bong hits cuz oxygen expands in the lungs faster than the smoke
I saw some actual numbers on this once... I think in a Maxim article... perhaps on a show called Manswers.

1. Vaporizer
2. Bong
3. Pipe
4. Joint

I stll love a nice mellow joint now and then. Dragging out the Vaporizer is just too much hastle most of the time. I usually use the bong.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I have papers, a swisher, a bong with an ice catcher, several bubblers, a nice glass bowl, and a Vaporizer all sitting around my apartment. Yet time and time again, i reach for the Vaporizer. It just gets me the highest. This is from someone who has been smoking for over 15 years, and has smoked all types of herbs, from many pieces.
It is the ultimate THC delivery system!
this shit is dumb.

a lil while back, i made a transition from blazin blunts all the time to hitting the bong. both gets me high as shit.

blunt = whenever i wanna puff on something and get high as fuck.
bong = whenever i wanna enjoy a smooth smoking experience and still get high as fuck.

its certainly depending on the mood.


i do find myself hitting the bong more often because im usually smoking some bomb hash.


Well-Known Member
according to MANswers, thc %age in the smoke, it was

92% vape

69% bong

35% pipe

27% joint
I wouldn't believe that.

I would as far as the vape goes, and maybe the bong. but I"ve read significantly higher percentages for the joint.

and the reason I think a joint is most effective for smoking is simply because it smolders.

it's a stage before combustion. I believe it allows for the most extraction other than vaporizing.

it makes absolutely no sense why a bong would score higher than a joint. that's a bs study imo.