Is Facebook Dangerous?


i agree there is no god. god is an incorrect and perpetuated term for the masses to distract people from the real teachings. I am not here to debate about it though. believe whatever makes you happy and gives you inner-peace. and if that means believing in nothing well then, more power to you, but remember your soul has been around long before this earth and will be around long after this earth. In order to attain any real higher conciousness we need to re-connect with source energy. I mean we as in each individual person. good luck in your journey.


i beleive msi interpretation of the bible is rampant. if you REALLY want to read the REAL bible, not one that was translated (wrong)...then learn ancient hebrew and then read the original writings, again not the king james version, jesus was not called jesus christ, god was not called god

What is His name?

lol wow dude really ? Cool story bro. Tell it again. You forgot Elohim. You seem to know alot about the subject, yet still don't know anything about it.

If you think any of that BS is how it really went down, you prolly think Santa stopped bringing you stuff because you are bad.

I'm donating my soul to science when i die :)

But back to FB

Its dangerous unless you aren't concerned about your old lady hooking up with her high school sweetheart old flame or other random guys.

Its dangerous when the person your trolling lives in your neighborhood lol

Its dangerous when you gotta beat a bitches ass over it

Its dangerous when people take it so seriously they commit suicide

Or when the try to reach out before committing suicide and no one "likes" it or prevents it

This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities.

But none of that shit is why i'm not on facebook. I'm not on it because i don't wanna be Zuck's product.
People provide the content, people create the traffic, people are the product.

How much did the people get when facebook went public ?

Zuck got billions, whatcha get?

But Facebook has the same problem that AOL, yahoo, myspace, and all well known social networking sites have.
When your grandma is on the same site you are on it just isn't cool anymore so it probably won't be long until the next big thing.


Active Member
I love how a self admitted heathen is giving religious advice. i better bow to the messiah and follow his brilliance.

Rabbi heathen we worship you...

fuck no, you are a expert on how it feels to live with your head up youre ass


Staff member
aiight people dont turn this into a religious debate, we have a specific subform for that


d and just so you know, here is a little history lesson so you can learn

The name Elohim is unique to Hebraic thinking: it occurs only in Hebrew and in no other ancient Semitic language. The masculine plural ending does not mean “gods” when referring to the true God of Israel, since the name is mainly used with singular verb forms and with adjectives and pronouns in the singular (e.g., see Gen. 1:26). However, considering the Hashalush HaKadosh (Trinity), the form indeed allows for the plurality within the Godhead.

In the traditional Jewish view, Elohim is the Name of God as the Creator and Judge of the universe (Gen 1:1-2:4a).

“The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to those, You want to know my name? I am called according to my actions. When I judge the creatures I am Elohim, and when I have mercy with My world, I am named YHVH” (Ex R. 3:6).

In the second creation story (Genesis 2:4b-ff) the Name of God is revealed as the Sacred Name YHVH (from the semitic root that means “to be”) and expresses the idea of God’s closeness to humans. YHVH “breathed into his (Adam’s) nostrils the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7).


ELOHIM is a word to DESCRIBE what he does his ACTIONS


Elohim-----the Name of God AS the Creator and Judge of the universe (Gen 1:1-2:4a).



Well-Known Member
Wow, I hate FB and always have. That is why I skipped over this thread. People have become so GD nosey that they have allowed the govt to completely take away our rights. Reality tv is out of f'in control. FB is out of f'in control. It's become so crazy that they have patented and are working on dvrs that will watch you and listen to you watching tv, so they know what ads to feed you. Have ing sex, condom commercial. Say your hungry, food commercial. It's all too much for me. I'm working on an exit strategy.


Facebook can be useful, if people on the internet question the fact that you're a real person or just a bot. If you're trying to gain funds for a kickstarter project you won't get any funding without a Facebook. I just change my name to some video game character and don't add anything about my location. Keep all personal information off the site and you're fine. It's a great place to network. I have been through all of the viewpoints personally, including the OP's.

Like it or not, I see it becoming a part of our society in the future unfortunately. The internet has become too large a part of our lives to not have some kind of online identity.


Active Member
This war on Marijuana is about the crazy puritans that came to the US and settled. I find it quite ironic that Anthony Bourdain made a show based off of his visit to Morocco which has an in depth look at Hashish and its preparation for consumption. Islam is very strict in many respects, but it does not seem to demonize MJ. The crazy puritans also outlawed Native American peyote because they felt it was an aspect of Witchcraft, and thus a tool of Satan.


New Member
I'm becoming more and more leery about FB and the fact that it puts you out in the cyber world so easily. Some breeders have FB pages that I selected "Like" to be subscribed to their updates. I've been seriously contemplating deleting FB entirely because it's too revealing. It's comical that some post their entire lives on FB. People on said to ditch it entirely because of the drama and gossip associated with FB. I just want a second opinion.

What is everyone's thought of FB?

We have cell phones which we can communicate via texts, so why is FB so essential to most people? Gossip?
FB is the BEST open-source intelligence gathering database in the world, bar none. Now also consider some of the FB start-up capital came from a company that specialises in "data-mining" software, with links to the CIA & NSA. With all the profiling options available, users make it very easy for an individual or organisation to build a complete picture of their lives, with regular, sometimes, real-time updates on who you're with, what you're doing and where you are.

I'm in no way saying that the everyday joe is being actively surveilled, as there are not enough people to go through that amount of data, but just assume that FB data is being stored somewhere, apart from FB servers... Like ...ohhh that new data centre in Utah.


Well-Known Member
I dont trust FB. Sure im on there, but I dont send messages or post things that could lead to any encounter I don't prefer to have. Also have my privacy settings about as strict as they can get. I think as long as your profile isnt public, and you keep only your real friends as friends (not I knew you in second grade so lets be best buddies on fb b.s.) then you should be ok. a lot of controversial posts seem to vanish from FB pretty often too, and the posters don't get message saying they were reposrted for abuse/spam/etc, so it really seems as if FB is doing some of their own censorship on members' posts.
Your privacy settings don't prevent FB or government from seeing everything you post.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize pot heads were so paranoid. Jesus. If you are all legally growing then why is this a big issue? You choose what you put on it or don't. Either use it or don't. Not sure why you need other people to tell you what to do.
Why on Earth would you assume we were all legal?


Well-Known Member
I found an app on Android market that allows you to set a fake GPS location. You can then check in at a location that you're really not at. You can check in at Tehran Iran while not even being there.
Yeah, that won't put you on any watch lists.


Well-Known Member
I might post anti gov bull on there, and i might post a thing or two about a thing or two but its all opinion bull... DON'T POST INCRIMINATING SHIT ON THAT SITE, above pretty much anything else. facebook and LEO's are fucking gay. I even have some LEO's on my friends list that see my posts, there friends from yesteryear i really don't need to know anymore, but don't want to just cut bait. so i keep my bull on fb to a min. I never say a damn thing about weed, other than sharing a couple of video and things on how we should legalize it at some point. every badge i know is just a piece of shit like me anyways... there all hypocrites.


Well-Known Member
i am almost positive it was a joke, at least i hope so anyways lol. while facebook will surely not usher in the anti-christ, it is a step in the wrong direction as a society and as a civilization who values their freedom and other natural rights. if i were you and worried about the antichrist and the mark of the beats, i would be MUCH more worried about RFID chips that are being implented into things (and soon people im sure) to keep them 'safe'....i beleive not to long ago i read on a news site that they were trying to start something called 'Identa-kid' which stated, when children were born or whenever, they could have a tiny tiny RFID chip implanted into their body and if anything ever happens to them such as getting lost, kidnapping etc they can be GPS tracked and found. im nto sure the 100% validity of this but i do remember seeing it on yahoo news or cnn. i forget, it may have been somewhere else. good luck and be safe!
They got em for dogs, why not people?