Is Growing Shrooms Indoor Hard?


Active Member
Once you have grown shrooms, especially with the PF Tek, you will learn what clean really is and how filled with contaminates the air and household surfaces are. I had a few jars contam on me and I injected the spores in a bathroom that was seriously wiped down with bleach. Pot is a plant so to me it is easier. To only grow one kind of fungus while keeping all other fungi out can be really frustrating.

The Wookie

Active Member
u just need to be super super satinatry so you dont contaminate the shrooms. Google video has some good videos. I watched an hour long video called "mushroom growing made easy" i think.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Can you guy's post some links to the video's your talking about? And maybe some good sites to get the spores from? Just started to look into it myself. Thanks in advance for any help.


Well-Known Member
its simple if you know what your doing and follow a good tek. Pf tek is simple using brown rice flour and vermiculite. i bought some cambodian spores from spores101 best mushrooms ive ever had i got great visuals off 1 gram. my pf cakes harvested each cake 3 two 4 times getting about a half ounce off each cake. my friend has tripped 30 or so times and he only took .5 and had decent visuals. its a very intense introspective trip . Not for everyone.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I need a fucking pressure cooker. PF works but.......need ta go bulk. Could only do it one time when I borrowed a friends PC. Anyone know where I can get a LARGE 15 psi PC? Most the ones I've seen can not hold more than 4 of the larger jars.


Well-Known Member

Really, talking about prices isn't considered good etiquette here. It insinuates you want to deal, and alot of us if not most of us on here are here to grow our own and get away from the corruption that dealers breed, therefore making people like me reluctant to offer advice.....

Aside from personal ethics, growing mushrooms is easy. Just be steryle, follow the PF tek, and plan on growing for yourself and friends, not clients.



Active Member
deleted my original post...if I wouldn't mention prices and personal dealings on the phone I shouldn't online either


Well-Known Member
No. Its surprisingly easy, is what I heard from a friend of a friend. FOAF said that once you get past the innoculation without contamination part - its all easy going and smooth sailing from there. FOAF said its just a pain in the ass because contamination is caused by miscroscopic materials in the air and its hard as kcuf to regulate what you can't see.

.. . a pressure cooker and a good homemade glove box is the most investment in the process, and it was well over rewarding.


Active Member
the best way to sterilize the air is to spray a mixture of distilled water and 15% bleach into the air with a spray bottle before entering a room. wait 15 minutes before reentering and about 99% of all contaminants in the air will be eliminated. another necessary thing is a pressure cooker. everything must be sterilized that is brought into your room


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms are very easy to grow indoors. What it really boils down to is a lot of prep work in advance. That really is the hardest part. After the hard works been done it's pretty much set it and forget it.