Is it legal to sell to a dispenciary?


Active Member
Hey bro i live in cali. The medical clubs will buy from you if you talk to them you shouldd also be able to get your card and be able to sell to the general public if they have a card the club would mostlikley redirect them to you.
Dr. Ganja man


Well-Known Member
Yeah they can designate growers.. I'm applying for card and I can grow 15 plants myself or designate a grower......


Active Member
yo twisty good luck man i wish the best for a fellow but yea im hoping to get my card when i turn 18. if they alow a parent sig my pops will sign


Active Member
Hey i woundering on the some what of the same subject, Does anyone know a doc to go through in washington were i can get my card


Well-Known Member
I am new to growing, I wanted to start growing to sell to medical dispenciaries, is this possible??

idk man,but if it were leagal to do,and you could tax it,then think of the revenue and you could claim it on your tax returns. you get money for growing money,and why is ganja illeagal? it would swamp the tobacco companies.

i think if you got to talk to the dispensary owner and talk and befriend him then you might beable to do buisness,or trade green for green:bigjoint: