Is it normal for 48 days old?

I’m using fox farm organic ocean forest. Great lighting, nutes are all followed by Kyle Kushman. This was a gift seed, don’t know what it is. But I just started nutes 2weeks ago. Thats where I may have screwed up?
No. Thats not normal. What soil and lighting are you using? Indoor or outdoor? If indoor full set up please.
I’m using fox farm organic ocean forest And mothers earth coc and perilite half and half. Great lighting for veg and bloom. nutes are all followed by Kyle Kushman. This was a gift seed, don’t know what it is. But I just started nutes 2weeks ago. Thats where I may have screwed up? Indoor with a fan.

Horselover fat

Well-Known Member
Im sorry I do not know what that means and google didn’t help me ‍♀ I was worried it has so many layers and yet such a cute lil shorty. I am still in veg stage with 18/6 light. Thank you and if you could pls tell me what LST IMHO means. I’m very new
Short with many layers is much better than the other way round.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry I do not know what that means and google didn’t help me ‍♀ I was worried it has so many layers and yet such a cute lil shorty. I am still in veg stage with 18/6 light. Thank you and if you could pls tell me what LST IMHO means. I’m very new
LST means Low Stress Training. Basically it's loosely tying your plant into a position you want it using something that won't damage your plant. IMHO = in my humble opinion.


Well-Known Member
Yes sir, that is the intake and the output is into the corner and rotating. I don't like windburn on my gurls.
Ohhhh, that's clever! I was thinking it may increase the wind speed, but if it's the intake I imagine that wouldn't be the case at all. Thankfully I've been able to keep my girls out of the direct line of the fans so far, but my next run will probably have a much fuller flower tent so I may end up using your idea. Thanks!