Is it ok to feed your dog weed leaves? itsa boxer


Active Member
Is it safe to feed your dog weed leaves? Ive heard hemp oil etc is extremely nutritional with omega 7 and stuff but I just need confirmation.

My dog is a young, year or less, boxer.


Active Member
I really don't think that it would do anything. It wouldn't get them high because THC crystals are sparse on the leaves. Unless you have harvested your cannabis to be hemp then there will be no medicinal benefits. MARIJUANA AND HEMP ARE NOT THE SAME PLANT. Same genus family but very different.


Active Member
- just make some cannabutter

'hemp oil' is hemp seed oil, it is one of the most nutritious seed oils known. more so than flax seed, linseed etc
buy it in bottles, it has a nice nutty taste


Active Member
i feed my dog stems all the time she loves them.

once left some bud lying in a bowl(a soup bowl not bong) to dry a little went to toilet came back and dogs head was in it munching my bud:cuss:, she got like 1 good bud and just slept most of the night:bigjoint:

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
if u wanna get them high just exhale the smoke in their face...hold their muzzle shut so they gotta breath it in through their of my friends does this with his pug...and he stumbles around lol its hilarious...but everytime they light up he comes running to sit on mommy or daddy's lap lol


Active Member
Please don't get your dogs high. It is not funny to see them stumbling around...they may feel out of control causing anxiety. Its not fair to them, they dont know what is going on. It is kind of like getting a baby or young child high...not cool.


Active Member
i posted this cuz i was bored, and because my dog just seems to like eating the leaves i have cut off or parts of the plant i topped... but i do think its a bit fucked up to get them stoned (especially grabbing their mouth shut and forcing him) but i honestly didnt think i would have gotten this much feed back from such a stupid post that i put up but THANKS!

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
people muzzle them like that cuz they want it and its easier for them to breath it through their ur dog jumps on ur lap every time ur smokin its cuz he wants to get hi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-igh!