is it safe to touch ceiling instalation


New Member
that stuff makes me all itchy and mine has dust in it.
made it hurt breathe in deeply afterwards. had to hide my stash elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
It's safe to touch, I would wear gloves though. While it won't necessarily kill you, the fiberglass in it will get into your skin and itch like damn it.


Well-Known Member
is it regular pink type? if so just wear gloves, itchy. If its an older building it could contain asbestos, do not disturb that shit. wear a mask


Well-Known Member
its white and the house was built mid 80s 86 im prety sure
Don't quote me on this ,but asbestos was banned from being used in residential buildings in the late 70's I think. You should be safe but , wear a mask anyways , it aint gonna hurt. Protect your lungs, I know all to well.:peace: